Captured this interesting stinging rose caterpillar on my rose bush. I saw him a few years ago on my rose bush, so I was able to identify him again pretty easily.
The Stinging Rose Caterpillar (Parasa indetermina) is so beautiful, it looks like it was made from blown glass. The vivid yellows, reds, purples, and oranges are just breathtaking. However, don’t be tempted by its beauty into thinking that you can handle it safely.
As its name implies, this guy packs quite the sting! A prick from one of its spiked horns results in an irritating skin rash and other complications serious enough to be called stinging rose caterpillar poisoning.
Moral of the story is to look but don’t touch.
Question of
Amazing how something so beautiful can be so dangerous, right?
Question of
Do you think he will become a moth or butterfly?
I was misled by the colors, thinking it should have turned into one of the most beautiful colorful butterflies that could ever exist, but I ended up discovering this caterpillar will turn into a moth. One of the most beautiful blah blah, but a moth still. ?
Wow, an amazing shot! I am for a butterfly haha
vivid colors and racing stripes are nature’s way of saying I’m poisonous, don’t eat me…
Super shot. It looks really special. I think there will be a moth
I am amazed with your picture, so beautiful and so close!
Very nice picture, dear Carol … I do not like the animal myself
Thanks, he will turn into a moth soon, harmless.
Wow! HE does look really attractive!!
But well a red (bright colours) usually says something dangerous …
Yes and a moth he will be soon. So cool in the garden.
Oh, another moth?
Just who exactly will turn into butterflies? :p
Yes another one but this one will be beautiful! There are a few caterpillars that turn into Monarchs, Swallowtails, and other butterflies. The moths are just more abundant and common.
I had no idea we had those in the states. I have always thought the stinging ones were out of the country. He sure is pretty, and I pick moth! Great find there, and thanks for sharing. IT’s so COOL!!
Yes we have them and they are as beautiful in person as in the books!
I wonder if we had them in Arkansas.. I have to read more about these now. 😉
OMG, there are many stinging ones in the USA. I had no idea, and they are all cool and beautiful. Note to self, don’t touch any caterpillars. lol
A moth is the easy answer, few butterflies many moths in the world!
Great capture though!!!!
Yes that is correct. Such a cool find in the garden.
I did not know that caterpillar had stinging powers.
There are so many different kinds I am always learning about nature.
You have a good point there about learning about nature.
Yes, we are fortunate not to have stinging caterpillars in New Zealand..I may guess and say this is a butterfly. I don’t know it, but I have one chance in 2 to get it right.
This will be a beautiful moth Pam. I am always amazed at what I continue to learn about nature.
Yes it will become a moth soon.
I love how the sculpture is a blur in the back
Thanks I wanted the caterpillar to be the attention subject.
I just guess, moth but I really don’t know. This is very beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Yes it will become a beautiful moth soon.
I have never seen this one before , thanks for telling us about this guy.
You are very welcome so cool to learn about nature.
Great survival Carol, thank you for sharing this image
Thanks for your comment!
Beautiful Carol. Anything that beautiful needs to have some sort of protection
Thanks, and yes it is a great survival camo I guess.
.. Moth or a butterfly, care to guess above?
I say butterfly……..I hope, lol because moths are grotesque. Ewwww
Nope this will be a moth.
Oh wow! Didn’t know certain ones turned to moths
Yes nature is so cool to learn about.
A number of caterpillars have hairs that do this, too. In fact, the biggest problem people have with tarantulas is that the hairs are very irritating. It is sort of like getting a tiny sliver in your skin that you can’t see, but you can definitely feel, only it is far worse.
They are so pretty, but you gotta be careful. All that is beautiful is not good in nature. Always so much to learn.
So.. will it be a moth or a butterfly, care to guess?
Moth. Also, when something is so beautifully brightly colored that they are obvious, it is usually a warning to would-be predators that they’d better look elsewhere for a meal.
Yes I knew you would know the answer.
Beautiful capture, Carol
Thanks Art, so good to see you.
Moth or a butterfly, care to guess?