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It seems that all we have heard about lately is the royal wedding. It’s Meghan Markle this or Prince Harry that….
I lost interest the moment I heard they were engaged. What do you think?
Question of
Do you care about the royal wedding?
Question of
Did you watch the royal wedding?
Question of
Did you watch the royal wedding?
Question of
Did you know who Meghan Markle was before she started dating Prince Harry?
Question of
Do you live somewhere which was once or is now a part of the British Empire?
Question of
Choose one
I have to be honest, I really didn’t care what-so-ever about the royal wedding. I am over my fascination with Royals I guess.
I never really had any fascination to get over. What fascinates me is why people are fascinated by it.
true! I am always curious why people do what they do.
I do think they are a heavenly match. c”,)
As in fairy tales, the prince marries a princess.
And let them live long and happy.
I agree with Jenna, I am happy for them but Im not really interested in their personal lives.
I wish the couple Prince Harry and Ms. Markle the best in their marriage.
William and Harry seem very level-headed which is surprising given the example provided by their parents.
That is true since both parties have good role models to follow.
I do not take an interest in their lives, but I wish them all the best all the same/
Thant’s pretty much the way I feel. “Have a nice life, royals. Over there.”
I was busy at the time, but I did watch the FA Cup Final later the same day – much more exciting!
Wow! More boring than soccer. 🙂
At least it wasn’t American Football – now that really IS boring!!
I love the whole love story and the way they looked on ‘the day’!
Oh I love the Royal family. The wedding was beautiful. To be honest, I had never heard of Meghan Markel before she started dating Harry.
I didn’t like the dress she wore I was expecting something “wow”
I only knew about her because my wife watches “Suits.”
Funny, I chose no for the last one. I really do not care about the royals. Don’t wish them any harm just too many other things going on.
I know what you mean. As an American, I don’t get it.