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Innovators sometimes fail…

Sidebar for the Innovation series a little of the reality of failed innovations. My top list of failed innovations and my perception/opinion as to why they failed!

1. Keecker – homepod integrated speakers and project that rolls around your house. Why did it fail? I don’t think the move away from TV’s has happened quite as quickly as the Keecker team would believe. The reality of creating something that has a robotic control system, as well as integration with android tv, is expensive.

2. Jibo – personal interactions assistant They raised more than 70 million dollars and had a brilliant idea: why did it fail? They didn’t have a market.

3. SingleCue – automation system for your computer but the problem was it lacked integration with much. A small market and the company refocused on the other products they had.

4. Apple Newton, can you be too far ahead of your market? Apple was with the Newton. The revised and delivered the iPad and changed the game.

5. Peeble – the first smartwatch to ship (well the first to start developing the Samsun Gear was the first to ship). Pebble’s issue, the reality of the market. They raised a lot of money on Crowdfunding, but when you penetrate your market and saturate that market, there is no room for growth.

6. Microsoft Bob – the first digital assistant, became Clippy and then disappeared. Except, Bob eventually would become Cortana and then slowly disappear again.

First off, big companies fail. IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, and others have all launched solutions to the question we didn’t ask. I had a Newton, the one thing that it did better than most of the other devices in that space was handing writing recognition from a stylus. The return of Steve Jobs to Apple killed the Newton forever.

The question when it comes to a great idea, do other people think it is a great idea. My father and before him, my grandfather always used to say, “start off asking ten people if it is a good idea.” Then modify to fit what the ten people thought and go back and ask ten more people. As someone that advises several innovators, I tell them that. It is important that you understand that your market is critical.

  • Question of

    do you have a great idea?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you have a solution to a problem?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you remember changing the channel on the TV with the dial?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

19 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Q: do you have a great idea?
    Yes (4 votes) – 44%
    No (5 votes) – 56%
    Q: Do you have a solution to a problem?
    Yes (6 votes) – 67%
    No (3 votes) – 33%
    Q: Do you remember changing the channel on the TV with the dial?
    Yes (9 votes) – 82%
    No (2 votes) – 18%

  2. Interesting as always. Sometimes the most innovative products came about by accident or surprise and became the most demanding things ever.

    • Come here Watson I need you!

      yes happenstance, accident and luck are all components of innovation. They just happen to be the parts we cannot control!

    • The joke answer would be yes, Skynet. (from the Terminator movies). The reality is and not the funny answer I suspect that will in fact be the case. I do a lot of 3d printing, 90% of that is just for me.

  3. As always very interesting and instructive … I very well remember television on buttons … it was also a good innovation ….remote controller

  4. If you have a great idea then hang on to it until you create what you started out to create. Don’t take others too seriously, maybe just modify a wee bit.
