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Initial review of the Anker Capsule II projector

Many years ago, I coined a phrase Screen as a Service (SCRaaS). The concept was using screens as services where the screen can be consumed. The easy button example of this is Google Chromecast. With that, you plug a receiver into an open HDMI port on a TV and then project content to your screen from your computer or mobile device. Apple TV does the same thing, and Samsung has a native player on their TV’s. It means you can take the small screen (phone) and push the information to the large screen (TV or Projector). I do it all the time in my home office and often upstairs on the upstairs TV in our house. It isn’t hard, and the results are pretty simple and effective.

But, the world of projectors is today’s conversation. I have been a huge fan of projectors for many years. The personal or sometimes PICO projector has interested me. There was, for a time, a case that would be a projector and charge your iPhone or Android phone. They were ok overall but lacked the luminance to be effective projectors. The higher-end or expensive Laser Projectors have the lumens and normal to large to make effectively portable. What you need is a projector that includes a speaker. It also needs to be small enough that you can easily carry it with you. Flexible in the sense that it can’t work with only Android, or only Iphones. Plus it needs to be easy to use.

That is why Google built Android TV and the rise of the new smart projectors. First, if you stream, you no longer need a device to stream from. You use your PICO projector. The picture is of the one I am using. I backed the original Capsule campaign on Kickstarter (from Anker the USB power company) and also decided to back the Capsule II when it became available. The picture is of my Capsule II. I can quickly plug an HDMI cable into my iPhone and read documents when I need to now. I do the same with my Samsung phone, tablet, or iPad. But, if I want o watch Netflix, I turn on the Capsule and stream at will. If you are often on the go, a PICO projector is a must-have! I never know what type of projector is in a conference room, but I don’t have to worry about that anymore!

Capsule II is a great solution in the PICO projector space!

  • Question of

    have you ever tried Chromecast

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Did you know most smart TV’s have a built in share application you phone can use?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Doc is way ahead of the curve on this one.

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    I don’t like projectors.

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

18 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I remember the good old projectors which we used in office to make presentations with none of the fanfare you are talking about

    Amazon has what is called Fire TV Stick that is inserted into the tv slot and enjoy whatever. You guessed it right. I have not gone in for it (lol)

      • I have a question for you, Doc. I notice that posts with scores of about 60 and up views show a red arrow going up. I have some quizzes here with about 70 and 80 or so views but when I go to my post to answer comments I don’t see a red arrow going up. How does that work?

    • I use an Apple TV all the time. I love being able to play my movies!!! I haven’t used it for TV as of yet, But I do use it to project my iphone screen.

  2. I know that an HDMI cable can plug into a TV; but is the other end able to plug into a computer without any other gizmos? Thanks for the informative article.
