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Hummingbird: A Bee on my Head ~ Day 337

Funny thing while out yesterday in my yard. I had the camera and I noticed the hummingbird darting around the feeder. As I got closer I noticed a bee was flying around him. They were competing for the feeder. There are four feeding station but they all want it to themselves. I clicked a few photos, from a distance, and was surprised to get this one. They are very challenging to photograph. If they see or hear me they fly away. The hummingbird won by the way. The long beak of the hummingbird is a definite plus for him. Nature never disappoints.


365 Photos Challenge Day 337

  • I took this photo and also got the bee trying to make his way to the feeder. Do you see him?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

16 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. I’ve read that bees are attracted to hummingbird feeders where the little plastic flowers have yellow centers. If you paint over the yellow with red, it doesn’t attract them as much. I’ve never actually tried this, however.
