

Doing things differently and working through some things we can all do

Dear lurker, who reads, leaves emoji feedback and sends messages on multiple social media platforms. I keep all those messages, so please feel free to keep sending them. I am speaking of you right now; I haven’t in a long time. I would ask you to verify with your source because the information you shared with me is not, in fact, accurate. Please check that information and have a beautiful life!

This morning I am struggling to get rolling. I cleaned out my notifications on the two sites I hang out on. A follow up with my friend doing the internet study has some interesting information, he has had his students watching specific places on the internet to see what kind of traffic they are generating. I share a post and mark the time. They view the site and see what kind of response happens. The rate of reaction (twitter and Facebook) from social shares has remained constant. He, my friend, has been asking me to look at posting differently on some of the social sites. So starting today, I am sharing other authors’ posts on different social media (as well as tweeting and Facebooking them).

Sometimes you have to do things differently to get different results.

The other change he has asked me to do also seems to be working. I will keep that to myself for now as I am supposed to do it for another week.

For those of you awaiting post moderation, we are all here with you. Our community was there for everyone that couldn’t publish about a year ago (for over a month). We are all with you. The value of a site like ours is that there is new and exciting content. The reality of where we are is that the impact of those who are posting five or more posts is exaggerated now. It is not me saying they are wrong. It is merely a fact. That when there is x number of psots in a day. And you are posting the maximum, throughout two or three days, you end up with many more posts. You don’t make as much per job as you do if you have conversations with other authors.

Look at the two authors on top of the ranks. They are the best conversationalists on this site. I have had 20 or more comments in threads with both of them multiple times. I will also tell you, have been hanging out with the two of them, they are equal opportunity conversationalists. They have conversations on their posts and your posts!

If you wish a different outcome, do things differently.

This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)

  • Question of

    Dear Lurker i honestly do not need you to justify your frustration, I know you are frustrated ok?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Let’s start some conversations

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    CarolDM and Ghost are both awesome at conversations, start one with both of them!!!!

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  2. “lurker”

    {means a person who lurks, in particular a user of an Internet message board or chat room who does not participate.}

    For those of us lurkers, who did not know we were lurkers.

    What is wrong with a little harmless entertainment, if that is their bent?

    Is every lurk a jerk?

      • Yes, I know that you don’t.

        The lurk in me just couldn’t be prevented from making a corny rhyme there.

        I used to be a clerk, just a little berserk, as it’s one of the perks of being a clerk, who lurks over every shoulder.

        Sorry, again. That line also needs some rework!

          • I have never written a limerick before, so I was tempted to have a go here and now…lol…

            Limerick: God’s son

            God erred on the side of caution,
            when he allowed women to have abortions.
            Born immaculately,
            conceived unnaturally.
            His son was precaution in

          • That’s good. There are some things that I would not explore, but I try to remain open to most things.

            I would not try magic mushrooms to try thave an open-minded experience with them, for example

        • i took a class many years ago to become a certified drug educator. (long story short) in that we talked about the impact of the various “tune in” drugs.

          Not a single one of them didn’t have a massive and very dangerous side effect. From one, or 100 uses.

          • I have found that we can have some experiences, without the drugs.

            Rebirthing, I have tried. Regression, hypnosis, visualisation, floatation tanks, etc etc.

            And dreams, of course, are special events without drugs too.

          • The spiritual teaching that I was with before placed a lot of importance on our dreams.

            They had a dream master who was supposed to be teaching the students at night during their dreams.

            They are more just a curiosity/entertainment to me than anything else though.

            I have not been able to really make full use of them in my life.

          • Since I left them, it has been a bit of a struggle for me to go it completely on my own now too.

            They provided me with a crutch mentality, but I never really needed a crutch, because really, I was never crippled, only perhaps muddled/muddied up a bit on the surface of myself.

        • i read a great story about a young man who lost a leg to a land mine. He talked about the anger, the frustration.

          But then, one day it came to him that it was about him shaping the future. He began building the dream he wanted.

          He did need a crutch for a time, but then found that he could walk freely without the limits of crutches.

          • I guess a guy with no legs could do the same, in his wheelchair.

            The wheelchair is not a crutch, unless we label it as one ourselves.

            That reminds me of another Dad joke.

            What is the hardest part of a wheelchair to eat?

            The vegetable attached to it, unless he has boiled himself away from his self-sorrow, and so softened himself to his situation.

          • Yes, it was not really a Dad joke, but one they told at school, in my schooldays, 50 years ago, in the days when political correctness was not yet around.

            It’s a nasty joke, with a bad taste about it really.

        • i always tell my kids to be careful about PC. They often correct adults (they are adults now as well) on the nuance of PC. I remind them that their PC isn’t universal. That many are offended by many things.

          it is the harsh reality of the world we live in.

          • Yes, the universality of it all, leaves us out on a limb sometimes, with no leaves, left to cover our words.

            Different cultures sure read things differently than others, and often they get the exact opposite meaning to what I had meant.

            I wrote one discussion piece on mylot, and a guy thought that I meant the opposite of what I had thought that I had written in plain enough English.

        • oh what happens when humans speak? Confusion reigns supreme!

          How do you tell two people are not communicating?
          they are talking!

          the reality of communication is that it is less a science and more an art. It is the concept of listening to hear, not listening to rebuke, or argue.

          A friend of mine always says “the proportion of human international is simple the formula was given to us as birth

          two ears
          one mouth

          listen twice as often as you talk.

          • I wonder what he would have said about our writing?

            We have two hands, but most of us are dominant in one, should we write more than we talk then.

            I certainly do myself…lol…I write more than I talk….

        • that is an interesting question. If you grab a keyboard than yes, you should write more than you talk.

          if you grab a pen you should talk and write about the same amount.

          based on his process. but of course, all things are dependent on the variables.

          • Yes, it’s all down to the variables, what about the foot and mouth painters too, or even dictated writing. Writing has so many possibilities to it.

            Then I could add in the red herring of reading. We have two eyes so maybe that might say something about how much we should read, but we can also listen to books being read to us too.

            Yes, the variables, are veritable variables, to be sure.

          • Well, it would not matter if they could not talk, as long as they learnt to think better as a result of their reading.

            When you think more, you talk less anyway.


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