The Kinsa Smart Thermometer is a great tool to have in your house. It is connected to your smartphone and has a stand-alone application that runs and stores your current body temperature. It also asks you if you have additional symptoms and can quickly tell you if you need to worry about what is going on. The reality of technology is that it can help us. It can also hurt us if we are not careful. But smart thermometers are a valuable tool for combating things like Covid-19. It’s funny sometimes; I backed the Kinsa Smart Theomoter on Kickstarter four years ago. At the time, I wasn’t thinking about pandemics and medical emergencies. I wanted to make sure I knew the actual temperature range that is normal for the people in my house.
Most people vary between 97 and 98.7 degrees during the day. It is as much because of the makeup of our bodies as anything else. Knowing what the normal range is, means when you take your temperature, the smart thermometer can help you. If your temp is low, you can enter symptoms and find out if you need to worry. If your temp is high, you can find out what might also be wrong with you. It is the value of connection. As we move forward in the connected world, we have to be aware. Yesterday I talked about the reality of slow internet at home. I suspect most of us have realized that the slowness of the internet probably isn’t the connection our computer has to our internet service provider.
It is more like the number of users connected to the web page or other resource we are using. The reality of the connections has changed. If there is a company that many people work for, they go to that office. That is awesome. The company then provides an internet connection for fact-checking, research, and internet email. Technically most companies don’t want you browsing Facebook at work. All of the employees use one or two provided internet connections. With the Covid-19 virus, the thing that to consider isn’t that the internet has changed. It is that instead of 100 substantial connections to the internet, you now have 100,000 small connections. Lots more people connected, in many lower relationships.
The bad news is the internet is going to be slow for a while. The good news is, it was built for this and can handle this peak load.
You can check this quickly at home. Turn on the water in a faucet and watch the water pressure; then turn on all the faucets and showers in the house, noticing now that the water pressure is less, but more water is flowing into your home. The issue for the internet isn’t the number of faucets it is what to do with all that water!
My internet is slow
Question of
have you ever turned all your faucets on at once?
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Do you think a themometer that tracked your body temp is a good thing?
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would you use a connected themometer?
Question of
Information is important right?
I just checked and the price of this thermometer is very reasonable.
having their wonderful map showing what illness is where is a value add!
Smart temps are a good thing and a time saver, especially in a time like this!
it really helps all the time. When there is a variance (up or down) the software can tell you if you need to be concerned. Mine has been the exact same for 34 days!
Humm, I wonder if I would obsess with the variations of my temp. My doctor did call me to remind me what my normal temperature is because of course why would mine be like everyone else.
now with the Kinsa you wouldn’t have to worry. It will tell you when your temp varies!
Yes (3 votes) – 50%
No (3 votes) – 50%
Yes (6 votes) – 100%
Yes (3 votes) – 60%
No (2 votes) – 40%
Yes (6 votes) – 100%
Thermometer, my apologies for the misspelling.
a link to the Kinsa site. They also provide information on their web site about current issues that impact health!
their health weather map is something I consult a lot right now!
(US only today)
That’s a very good thing … I’ve never heard of such a thermometer
they are very effective tools to have in times like these
And it’s free to sell …. maybe in pharmacies?
it should be available in pharmacies, at this point it is not a US only company.
I’m really curious if this is available with us …. I’ll be curious to ask
you can go to their website and see.
Thanks, dear friend …. I took a look and it looks very interesting
Interesting information. I first hear about this thermometer. I would be happy to try it.
it really helps maintain your health by letting you know what is going on.
Amazing info as always Doc. I would use this for sure.
it works really well but as you point out it is a if you need it thing
My son uses it all the time. I am okay with using something when there is a need , but I don’t want to have a connected instrument measuring me up all the time. I would feel like a hypochondriac.
it is more tracking your own body’s conditions over time. you aren’t connected unless you choose to be!
True, But I don’t want to be so aware of my body functions all the time. I would start suspecting that I have all imagined diseases lol . As it is I am very sensitive to what happens in my body.
I saw on television how in China people measure the flow temperature of people. It will certainly be used in the future. And it will prevent outbreaks like this.I hope that all the upper class will learn the lesson. There is no one greater than Nature.
it is a good tool for most people. It would help, but your point is well taken don’t frustrate mother nature!
Pinned. I am not sure many know about this yet, I seen the people in China using these a few weeks back when out in public. If their temp was up they were pulled aside.
I think its awesome and should be used.
it is important to know what is going on with ourselves! thanks!