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Blocking has started

I got an email saying someone wants to follow me and when I clicked that link I was confronted with the message that profile is not accessible to me. 

I was confused why when I am told that  someone wants to FOLLOW me and when I click that link I get a message that it is not accessible to me

I knew I  would be blocked by  this user  as after all it was this user’s baby rather than a demand that there should be a blocking facility and I blatantly wrote a post about it.   I was anyway not interacting with this user and so it does not bother me. 

My only question is what is it  that is so disturbing that at  a harmless site like Virily there are users who want to stay away from users permanently . 

  • Would you be concerned if you are blocked?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

17 Points

Written by grace


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  1. Sorry to hear that, you don’t strike me as a person needing to be blocked

    Yes, I have seen on the New Zealand TV about sexual predators preying on children or who are obviously abusive to children or teenagers. These people are dangerous and need to be blocked

    I have not seen anyone on Virily who needs to be blocked. What I saw on TV is what I hear. Yes, I would be concerned but then some people get offended and add up 2 + 2 and make 136… Misunderstanding

    • Neither have I and neither will I. What is shocking is that this request came from a user here. You are right. We are mature here to handle disagreements and that is what interaction is all about . Saying yes to everything is nothing but hypocrisy.

      • I could not agree with you more my friend. You know, a wise old man told me once, that while honey bees get only sweetness from a flower, there are some very poisonous spiders that get their poison from the same flower. ? , to thine own self be true!

  2. There are bullies and those you may not want to communicate with. I am not sure how it will all work out in the end. I guess time will tell. It sounds like you almost wanted to be blocked by this person. Perhaps I am misreading it.


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