Have yDo you ever argue with your GPS? I know, growing up using an old fashioned compass that I have a sense of direction for the most part. What I also have is a processing system that has visual input as well as experience-based evaluations of previous events. A couple of days ago, I was heading to a location that I have been to several times. I was coming from a new place to start, so I used the GPS. As we got closer, I knew the route I wanted to take. The GPS wanted to go a different route. So, as the driver, I made the call, and we went my way. I saved a good 10 minutes and avoided the last two traffic lights that for some reasons the GPS wanted to stop at.
Perhaps GPS has invested in stoplight companies. I don’t know.
That got me thinking, about the inputs most GPS’s have and get. The inputs today are relative to your car. Where are you (via the connection to the remote Satellite), how fast are you going and reported traffic. There is so much more information that could help drivers, but it is going to require more bandwidth. The GPS of tomorrow will know your favorite route and whY!
The other side of arguing with the GPS is the reality of sitting in your car. What else, computerized voices, would you argue with? I know for example, that from time to time Alexa and I disagree about things. That disagreement is in my kitchen, basement, or office. I don’t argue with SIRI in public, although at times I have considered arguing with Siri. The reality of a person yelling at their phone over and over is most likely to make everyone around them nervous.
So what would you argue with?
My dog and I frequently disagree about the timing of his walk and the timing of breakfast and dinner. I don’t argue out loud with him, however.
I argue with people from time to time,
What else do you argue with?
Question of
Have you ever argued on the direction your GPS was taking you?
Question of
Have you ever argued with SIRI?
Question of
Have you ever had an argument with Alexa?
I have faced this problem when Google Maps made me enter narrow lanes where a car shouldn’t enter. Someone could have taken a two wheeler earlier in that route and would have used Google Maps choosing the car option. So the app would assume that the route is safe enough for a car while it is not. Does it make sense?
that does make sense. Of course, you have the issue more than we do in the US. our problem is more that we don’t have everything mapped yet. We are probably close but not there yet.
I argue with any computer I use, and they don’t even have microphones…
I have no mouth but I must scream.
Who wins? I mean be honest most of the time who wins?
short term, the machine generally wins. long term, I always win
not at all surprised you’re an Ellison fan. what an underrated author
Ellison was my go-to for many years. From 1971-1978 I read every single Science Fiction book in the Monroe County Library. The librarian used to put new books aside for me!!!
always a bonus when the librarian likes you. never did get one who liked me enough to let me check out reference material, though…
She actually asked me to volunteer at the library when I was 12. I restacked and kept the Science Fiction section organized. She was a former student of my father’s but I didn’t know that until later.
I got credit for working at my HS library
I understand you because I was already bothering with GPS ?
🙂 It is funny how sometimes device become more impactful!
I do not know what Siri is, my friend … are these your GPS devices? We use Garmin most, and I sometimes had a lot of problems
Siri is the voice assistant from apple that is on the iPhone and iPad 🙂 I have had many garmins over the years.
The good news is GPS is getting better.
The bad news is we are still a couple of years from really good GPS.
Most often and I prefer to turn off so I prefer to follow the path on the screen …. so you can really make a serious mistake … I really agree with you that we are probably really far from the perfect GPS
I do that on my car GPS often. Just easier without the turn by turn. Unless i am heading into a crowded city. Then I leave the voice instructions on!
The GPS is in a box; and I don’t have Siri or Alexa. So I just argue with my husband. 😀 Good post.
I remembered that from MyLot 🙂
Yes I have argued with my GPS and sometimes I won. Not usually. 🙂 DO not have Alexa but argues as well with Siri. 🙂
Sometimes you just have to argue with the GPS!!!!
Yes because sometimes it is wrong. 🙂
I agree 🙂 sometimes it is totally wrong!
✏ Argh! You and my husband! If you know the way and have a map, don’t turn on gps and argue! It drives me crazy. I have even tried changing the voices because I thought he would listen to a male or female and have some kind of preference. If he wants to argue turn off the dang machine and argue with me. ????? lol- This clearly hit a nerve. I finally got rid of the gps and just drive around lost with him for hours. I vote no on GPS because he argues with it. ?????
laughing all the way to turn off my GPS.
he may have more iron in his nose, and knows a better way but is open to listening to other’s thoughts on directions…
Well often time gps take you to wrong direction e.g closed street
I would argue it isn’t often but i do agree that GPS can be wrong at times.
The gps could be wrong sometimes.
The GPS can be wrong – but then again so can people!