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wander project the soundtrack of the pictures…

Sometimes I wonder if pictures get sad, as they sit in a folder forgotten. I do wonder if pictures sometimes wonder what happened. You used to look at me all the time. But, now you don’t look at me anymore. It makes me so sad to sit in this folder Christmas Day 1995 with my friends, but no one looks at us anymore. Christmas 1994 was long ago and far away. We lived in Cincinnati, Ohio then. The haze of time changes everything. I read a post by Fortune today talking about the memories connected with objects. It reminded me of the memories connected to pictures. Not that it matters that pictures exist in a vacuum, that the light captured is now long gone.

Or in fact that the light captured wasn’t the light captured.. at 186000 miles per second light moves faster than shutters.

Instead today the memories attached to each of the pictures.  You pick the picture up; it’s not like the movies, where the melancholy music starts playing for sad pictures. Where the happy, upbeat summer music plays as you look at pictures of young people playing Frisbee just outside a dorm Wait, is that Alexandra and Jim playing Freeee all those years ago? My Jim had hair then. Before the traitorous act of hair deception. I wonder where I was, oh yes behind the camera — separated by the wall of a lens, film and is-captured light. Do you ever look at pictures and wonder? What of the picture not taken? Does the existence of the picture sometimes remind you of the picture not taken?

One thousand moments in a folder.

1000 picture in a dream.

What then do we look for? As we wander the old pictures seeking what? A memory? A shard that loos from the rest of the torrential pour of memories within is the one that makes everything better? The music is playing now. I can hear it. The sound of the lone guitar gently strumming a classical song in the background. The soundtrack to my pictures today is mixed. Happy and sad, bright, and gloomy.


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. I have found that being able to look at photos on the PC screen greatly changes how they can be seen. When I put up old photos I see shadows I previously had not seen, I see them almost as moving pictures and I like this so much better. I still have plenty of albums but there is just something about viewing them on the computer screen.

    • there you go, the script of a movie. The camera time machine. Sorry, the twerp in me is always lurking!

      I agree completely, the photo can transport us, stripping away time, regrets, sadness and for a moment return the original smile.

  2. Someone taught me a memory exercise, and it may be similar with pictures. He told me to remember a room in my house – the theory was that all the information was there and to access it I should start with one thing and then recall what was next to it. I could go around the room, detail by detail, and eventual construct the whole room. A picture may remind of the picture not taken and detail by detail maybe becomes a map of many others. A drop that reveals a river, a flood, an ocean … and the picture forgotten is not sad; but, it is waiting and becomes more potent with time. (does time exist for pictures? Enquiring minds want to know)

        • Howard, This sounds like treatment I had for my PTSD, called EMDR. A different subject of course but the same thing with my mind. Trying to remember things I had blocked out. It worked for the most part. Both good and bad things were remembered.

          • I’m unfamiliar with that but it is likely much more serious and scientific than my lesson from a cartographer. I did use my health benefits once to take CBT classes that included/emphasized mindfulness. ….. I just looked it up and read a NYT article with Francine Shapiro, Ph.D. The studies seem to show effectiveness and future promise.
            It’s so hard to talk about this stuff peripherally but it is so important to have compassionate help I know that. I wish I could say something brilliant right now. I don’t feel I am in a position to advise anyone. Decades ago I took some real damage and never sought help. Some things never go away but one comes to peace living with them somehow.
            The CBT was decades later. I do believe mindfulness is good for everyone to practice.

          • That is pretty fascinating stuff – similar to conscious dreaming or maybe actual conscious dreaming. — Do you think this Rapid Eye Movement stuff could be used in VR? If the VR simulated it you could dream at will, consciously. Fascinating stuff.

          • On mindfulness: Alan Watts said, “If you really want to find out what a dog is, then next time you see one don’t tell yourself, “Dog”.
            My favorite question in the world is “What the heck is it”?

          • Howard, That was a great story you shared. Especially this part….After treatment, those who had received E.M.D.R. could remember the deceased in a positive way, without the negative emotions. The heartfelt connection was still there, but without the pain.

        • There have been a couple of VR attempts to move past the gaming world into the therapeutic world.

          Setting up sleep management, dream management using the world of VR is the goal.

          To date, really hasn’t worked out that well…

        • inception was a VR focused movie but probably not the one you are thinking about.

          The thing I find incredibly interesting right now is this discussion we are having. The reality of VR/AR ultimately is going to be the market.

          Today that market is games. But there is more to VR Horatio than is in your poetry and philosophy!

          The more is the door to helping people.


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