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Wander project Denmark

Flying from the US to Europe is often done by leaving the US late in the evening, landing in Europe early in the morning. Well in fairness that is the way I usually did it. I would usually fly to Europe on Saturday, giving me Sunday to recoup before the Monday AM meetings started. Monday was a heavy coffee day, normally would be exhausted. By Thursday I would be adjusted, and of course, flying home late Friday I would be fried when I got home for the weekend. It was worse if I spent two weeks including a weekend away from home because my sleep pattern would be messed up. That was the pain for me, traveling all the time for many years.

I learned over time that the best thing to do was not get off the plane, and then go to the hotel and take a nap. The best thing for me was to go on a walk when I got to the hotel. That was a lesson I learned on my 2nd trip to Europe (there were two trips to Asia in between). Get off the airplane and go for a walk once arriving at the hotel. In part that would allow me to acclimate, in part, it was to avoid the call of napping. Sleeping on airplanes isn’t hard, but it isn’t refreshing. At least, in fairness, it isn’t refreshing for me. The pictures today are from a trip to Denmark, in particular, the first part of the trip where I was meeting a group of co-workers before conducting a series of meetings over the week.

We were in downtown Copenhagen for the first part of the week. Actually in a hotel less than two blocks from Tivoli. Tivoli is an amazing amusement park. I have had the opportunity to go and wander the park a couple of times. Most of my co-workers were relaxing in the hotel bar when I got there. I unpacked and went for a walk. I love walking in Copenhagen. One of the things that caught my eye was the bike taxi in the last picture. The brilliant yellow stood out against the gray sky. I also love bikes in Copenhagen. Like Amsterdam, there are bikes everywhere. Many US cities now have more bikes than in the days of old. Washington DC even has lots of rental bike stations. But the bike in European Cities is a fun thing to see.

The streets of Copenhagen

Chinese food in Denmark anyone?

the benches are there to watch people walk by!

I wanted to hop on and just ride!


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. These differences in time probably have a negative effect on the body … I don’t have that experience … now tell me you who travel a lot … where you haven’t seen Chinese restaurants … there is no place in Europe for some of these restaurants


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