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What are the last 10 photos you have taken?

Not sure what to post? Here is an idea.

Post the last 10 pictures you took and use the same title, “What are the last 10 photos you have taken?” or something similar.

I would use the add you own list function but this might be more fun, as it will be your own post.

My last 10 are below.


What do you think?

29 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


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  1. Very nice – I will try to post when I get a chance. There are a couple of really good photos from my “this weeks photos” but I do have the issue of for each photo there are multiple versions and some have more than 10. The actual last ten have 1 picture I would toss and then 9 of the almost same picture. I will have to edit to last 10 distinct pictures. I sometimes have 30 variations of a picture.
    Nice idea and will be interesting to see.

      • No, in the film days each exposure would cost you. When I took photos of my artwork I bracketed exposures so there were three of each work. Generally there was planning and each exposure was precious and done with great care. Now it’s more like “woo-hoo, let’s go – see what happens”. I looked at my card. There is a dragonfly picture (44 of that dragonfly which would have been two rolls of film), 14 of one sunset, 8 of a night shot, 11 of the road construction machinery (predatory metal cats project), …

        • lol, I bet it took more planning. You sure wouldnt be able to do what I do now, since I can’t see the screen and have no view finder, I shoot blind. That would of stressed me out in the film days. So, its good to know, that I am not the only one with so many of one subject. I figured, even if you don’t know how to take pictures, that by taking 50 of one subject, one will surely turn out good.

  2. Of course I have to ask do you have multiple copies of your last ten pictures :-).

    Really cool idea, although having just gotten my new phone 3 of my last 10 pictures are of my thumb (learning to use the camera).

    Oh well …

  3. The idea is very good. This way, the viewing posts will not be overwhelmed by much browsing. Of course they can combine it if they have more pictures. Published as Part I or II, etc. The photos are nice. They reflect what you love.


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