If anyone in Italy thinks of offering a wedding to a girl, it will certainly be a beautiful place like Venice, Florence or Rome. But the interesting thing is that except for all these places, a person offered a wedding in the Italian Parliament which surprised everyone.
Yes, the 33-year-old Italian Assembly member Mr. Flavio Di Muro offered a wedding to his girlfriend, Eliza de Liu, who was sitting in the gallery. The meeting was discussing the issue of rebuilding after the earthquake, during which they suddenly said that today is not the same as other days.

<a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://en.mogaznews.com/World-News/1378013/Italian-MP-proposes-to-his-girlfriend-in-the-middle-of-a-parliamentary-debate-.html" target="_blank">https://en.mogaznews.com/World-News/1378013/Italian-MP-proposes-to-his-girlfriend-in-the-middle-of-a-parliamentary-debate-.html</a>
Later he bowed down and took out his ring and expressed his love to his friend Eliza at the gallery in front of all the parliamentarians. He pointed to the ring and asked his friend if you would marry me ? All the members sitting around him laughed and clapped and encouraged him, while at the gallery, Eliza said Yes with a mixed impression of surprise at the unexpected wedding present.

<a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7736597/Italian-MP-proposes-girlfriend-middle-parliamentary-debate-said-yes.html" target="_blank">https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7736597/Italian-MP-proposes-girlfriend-middle-parliamentary-debate-said-yes.html</a>
Later, at the meeting of the Parliament, everyone congratulated Flavio Di Muro. On the other hand, the speaker also expressed displeasure at this action, saying that the manner and location of the offer was not appropriate.
#Wedding #Proposal #marriage #Offer #Italian #Parliament #Unique
That’s pretty creative. There may have been a little pressure to say yes!
What a circus!!! They should be talking about politics.
The agenda was “Rehabilitation” of earth quack victim.
The context was horrible. The parliament were talking about people losing homes in the earthquake. Then, the guy thinks that it is the right time to propose. The workplace and private life should be separate.
Yes, I agree with you Ahol , Very well gentle argument
Agreed, that was inappropriate (as well as the guy behind on the phone). The Italian Parliament is ridiculous. ?
Sad the Speaker did not approove of this approach
Yeah , Speaker should have approve his speech. Was this a great way to propose a girl ?
Far from it and this should not be a precedent though
But such day come once in a life and that should be made memorable irrespective of what is happening around ?
There are other places to seal the commitment
Yes , I agree with you that there are also other places to seal the commitment.
That was a wonderful gesture and there will always be someone who won’t agree with things like this. The person who was unhappy must not be a romantic,
Yeah , I agree with you , I think the speaker was from allies Party
Flavio sounds like the name of a Roman porn star
Hahahahah , what is the philosophy behind this ?
it just has that sound, you know?
Hahahaha , yeah , I agree with you , You make my day man …..lol
glad to hear it. porn star jokes are a comedy gold mine
This is a very original idea. I wish the couple good luck.
Great , do you have any one who is proposed in a same way ?
No, I do not have. I have never heard of such a “weird” snub. ?
Ah , In fact this is first time i covered this story
I am happy for them. Still, it would be not a place I would love to get such a surprise. I would want a more intimate place.
I think Mr flavio wanted to make this day in unique way and memorable
Congrats to the happy couple!
Yeah , many congratulation for them , I believe Mr Flavio is brave enough