Someone I know recently dreamt about shoes. I thought that sounded silly so I decided to look it up. Here is the link to understanding more about dreaming about shoes.
Information about dreaming about shoes found here. The changing of shoes can mean maybe a change in jobs or a relationship. Could be a change in attitude toward something or someone. Wearing shoes could mean well-grounded and down to earth while wearing no shoes could mean poverty, carefree, or the feel of security issues.
Read the link information to further understanding about dreaming about shoes.
Thank you for this information. It really helps a lot.
Thank you Nick for visiting
Thanks for the information. I’m always trying to figure out the importance of dreams.
Thank you vidocka for sharing your thoughts.
I could mean your feet are cold IRL
lol that could be correct too.
My practical explanations are no fun at all
Yes it is funny lol lol
While I do believe that dreams can have meaning, I doubt the “one size fits all” explanations of dreams; it seems more likely that symbolism would vary from person to person
I’ve never dreamt about shoes before, but just recently I’ve been having some pretty random dreams. Very vivid too!
Thank you CoffeeQueen for sharing your thoughts. search the meaning of your vivid dreams you maybe surprised.
I only remember what I dream if it is something very scary. This was interesting.
Thank you ghostwriter, and I think it is interesting as well.
My dreams are reflections of my past in a different settings. That is how I personally understand them.
Yes, dreams can be a reflection of our past. I have had dreams that have warned me about a future event. i heeded a warning from the dream, and my life was saved. Dreams can mean so many thing. Thank you Gil!
I do check out some of my dreams too … if I still remember them after I wake up…
Some says dream is a way your body is telling you things, but who knows.
Thank you alibb for sharing your thoughts about this topic. Some dreams that are bad could be caused by medication I do believe.
Interesting. Thank you for the information. I always enjoy finding out what dreams could mean. I have never dreamt about shoes or at least I do not remember that I have. You have presented an interesting thing here. I have certain dreams which I have written down because I remember them so well and dreams that have come and gone and I never thought about the fact if I had or did not have shoes on in my dreams. Just think about that. Do you know in your dreams or do you see if you have your shoes on or off?
Thank you RasmaSandra for this interesting comment.
Well Carol you could be right. I like to take trips lol
Who really knows for sure. It could mean you are going on a trip.