<a href="http://attackongeek.com/star-wars-last-jedi-review/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Ok, I waited for two weeks (actually three) after the movie’s release to share my review.
This is the 3rd year in a row that we have gone to a Star Wars franchise movie on Christmas day. Last year we saw Rogue One. This year it was the Last Jedi. I will try to minimize the massive spoilers as it is a very good continuation of the story.
I do however have a couple of nits to pick, the first being the overall first temple of the Jedi. I do understand the concept of having ancient texts as books, but the plausibility of them being the only copies annoys me. The other was the whole concocted escape ruse that was a little over the top,
overall a great movie, one that I highly recommend. I give it a 5 out of 5.
I would check it out soon, maybe tomorrow.
I’m looking forward to enjoying it! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂
It is a good movie, not a great movie. 🙂
Cool drops of the quintessence, Coach
Thanks, Albert. It was a movie my sons were desparate to see!
Yeah… but their dad really enjoyed it too.
Thank you for sharing the review of the latest Star Wars movie franchise that has lasted for over 40 years and counting.
Very true – amazing that the first one is now 40 years old.
I understand that the fan base of Star Trek and Star Wars are very faithful to the shows.
Well I am just glad you did not spill the beans. I will watch and see for myself. I grew up with Star Wars soooo ????
I was actually talking to my kids about that. They grew up with the Star Wars Universe, I grew up with the first three movies. It is a very different experience.
I have not seen it. From what I have heard, i am glad, I haven’t.
Yeah it is not as good as the last two, but if you don’t like Star Wars up front I would say don’t go at all!
I thought the movie was terrible. I have to admit that I was skeptical of Disney taking over the franchise but I thought The Force Awakens and Rogue One were excellent. That only made my disappointment over The Last Jedi worse.
First of all, the creatures were too cutsie. The bird-like things that Chewbacca befriended were ripoffs of the minions from the Despicable Me movies.
SPOILER: You knew that Luke would show up in the end even if how he shows up was a bit of a surprise. When he brushes off his shoulder after they fire at him, you knew something was up. Jedi are not invincible.
A minor point but one I found annoying: When the rebel fighters come out in the final battle, it looks like they are putting something red on the ice. However, nothing happens with it. I thought that maybe the ice was over a body of water and this was going to melt through so and the imperial equipment would fall through, but nothing.
All excellent points Gary, I keep telling my sons they are replaying the original three movies set 30 years in the future. I agree that Rogue One was a better movie!
i just returned from the Imax theater, and i watched the movie in 3D. it was like an outer space ride.
I heard the visuals were amazing in Imax. I am jealous! I just saw it in standard projection!
i wanted to have fun. life is short. and, i didnt realize that the 3D movie was shown in the VIP theater section. it was the first time i saw a movie in the vip area. reclining chairs that are cushioned and a side table.
I am not a big fan! But thank you!
It is a series of movies that produces love and hate, but little in between!
I always have loved the whole star wars series.
They are impressive movies! Thanks Pam!
hi,, my boy 5 year old is fan nr1 ,,Star Wars!!!
I had my sons start watching the movies when they were about 5. They are Star Wars fanatics now!
A great review. I will wait to see it at home.
It is overall a good movie. It is not epic but good. I think the loss of Carrie Fisher at the end of filming caused a number of scenes to be changed.
her brother said that she would have been in the 9th Episode, if she hadnt died.