This is #233 of the 365 Photo Challenge. Anyone can join, just post a photo for 365 days.
This is a selfie of myself right before I headed to the YMCA in the town that I live in. My best friend was up there as well, so we got to talk about many thing, which helped me a lot.
My Keto diet is doing great. I just exercised six miles so far today, may exercise two more this evening.
Image Credit-LaJenna
Very nice LaJenna; and congrats on being consistent.
Thank youThomas for visiting, hope you are well.
I’ve been hearing a lot about Keto diet so maybe it is good.
Thank you, Alex, Keto-friendly foods are how I keep the weight off.
Looks great in there! Good to know everything is going well for you!
I need to be up-ing my exercise plan… I’ve been getting lazy after the trip … oops
Try the Walk Away the Pound videos and do the Keto diet. I know now what to eat to keep me losing weight. Thank you!
Thanks for the information, LaJenna, I’ll look into that!
how do you exercise a YMCA?
Glad to hear the diet is going well. You are cruising along the photo challenge as well!!!
I think morning walk is the great exercise
Thank you Witty feeds. Morning walks sound great, but I am usually at the YMCA bright an early, so if I decide to walk outside I will do it in the evening.
I just did the pranayama (breathing_ exercise.
Thank you grace for sharing your thoughts.
Amazing Jenna! that is so cool.
Thank you Andre Hartslief for the great comment.
Wow, six miles! You go girl. Good job, keep it up.
Thank you Carol for the vote of confidence.
You will make it if you’re planning to stay fit and to shed some weight.
I have lost 27 pounds, and plan to lose about 10 more, then I will be at my goal weight,.