This is #184 of the 365 day photo challenge. Anyone can join, just post a photo for 365 days.
This is a purple beauty of a flower. Can anyone name the name of this flower.
Have a great day, and enjoy the little things right Carol?
Image Credit-LaJenna
Thank you tasartcraft for noticing true beauty.
I chose to follow Carol’s footsteps.
Yes Carol’s footsteps leave wise paths. Thank you!
I shall name it Brunhilde. Oh wait I already did that joke
Oh bro look at Doc’s comment lol. He is hanging around you too much lol.
notice how his fantasy world actually has an economic basis
I love the flower and purple is my favorite color but I don’t know what kind of flower it is.
Thank you RasmaSandra, I think Carol knows that it is a Clematis flower.
I love these Clematis flowers. They come if different colors.
All about the little things. 🙂
Thank you Carol for naming the flower.
Name this flower –
I dub thee sir Bob Gildrag of castle Noma!
lol that guess must be from Doc Anderson’s castle lol.
oh no, we are at war with Castle Noma currently. They tax their citizens for drinking rhubarb tea, our primary export is rhubarb…
You have been hanging around with my brother Alex again haven’t you lol. Thanks for the laugh today
Alex and I are peas in the same pod. 🙂
What a great flower! I wish things would warm up here.
Thank you Ghostwriter, I hope you have sunshine today.
My favorite color of Clematis. 😉
Thank you Kim for telling us the flower’s name. You and Carol guessed it right.
I used to have this color climbing up the wash house at the fishing resort. I loved it so much. It was about 15 foot high and about 4 foot wide. Stunning.
Beautiful flower!
Too bad I didn’t know what it is .. :/
I’m sure someone here can help 🙂
Carol and Kim both put the flower’s name. it is a Clematis flower.
Ah…always glad to have them around to help with flowers and plants 🙂
This flower is beautiful but I don’t know the flower name.
Thank you Milica for visiting. The flower’s name is Clematis.
Well , It really hard to guess this flower name since never seen before
Carol and Kim know the flower’s name is Clematis. Thank you for stopping by.