
Macro Monday – New beauty in my house

Hello, Virilians! As you remembrer, my Virily week starts with Macro Monday Challange. After a very busy period during the summer, with autumn I am a little freer and I want to make at least one daily post on Virily.I have a new beauty in my house! I don’t remember exactly when I brought some seeds from a flower I had on my little girl’s grave, and put them in a pot. I think it was the end of July. I almost forgot I sowed them. Two weeks ago I had a pleasant surprise when I saw that three Zinnia plants appeared! Now one of them had already blossomed.

At the end of this post, I want to thank for “WTF” reaction to my previous post:

Dashboard update – Good job Virily!

Didn’t your finger hurt, dear “friend”? Isn’t your anger over? Anger and upset are not good. They are harmful to health!

  • It’s not worth consuming our lives for nothing, do you agree?

    • Yes


What do you think?

Written by Ileana Calotescu


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