Hi, here’s a serious question for both writers and nonwriters: As writers, a lot of us spend a lot of money and usually a whole lot of time, getting good photos of ourselves to go on the jackets of our books and on our websites and promotional stuff.

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Most of the time if you pick up a book to read, you have no idea what the writer looks like. Have you ever read a book and then changed your opinion of it based on how the author looks? Have you ever been really surprised by the author’s appearance? For example, when I was a kid, I used to think VC Andrew’s was a man.
It wasn’t until I was an adult and I watched a show about how a man took over writing for that pen name, but all of the first books were female. I think it did sort of change my perspective on the books I’d read of hers. I also once read a book that was intelligent and inspiring, then I saw the writer on a talk show promoting the book and she was absolutely drop dead dumb, seriously she was jaw-dropping dumb. I wanted to give sainthood to her editors.
What if you thought the author was white but they turned out to be a person of color? What if they are extremely obese? What if they are super young or super old..? I tend to think many writers are outliers in one or other social way, with writing being an outlet. I know many drink heavily or have mental issues (I mean, E.A. Poe? that dude was screwy.) but writing can be therapeutic as a profession. It certainly is for me. Anyway, what are your thoughts? Is the author’s appearance important? Do you go looking for the author’s image? Does it change how you feel about the book?
I would like to set my picture by I can’t. It’s some error.
It is not your fault, you must try different sizes, I think many of us had a problem with this. Why not ask Nataly to help she is the lady at the bottom right of your page, most helpful person in the world~
I don’t really care what the author looks like, I only care how well they write. Can they tell a compelling story?
Nice Sir, Great Writers!!!!
It doesn’t really matter how the writer/author looks in appearance. As long as they’re good at what they do and that’s grasping their audience’s attention.
Hi Andrew, Thank you for joining in and as you can see, many agree with you. What I am trying to ascertain with this post, is whether any aspect at all regarding the character or knowledge of a decidedly, skilled writer can influence your decision to continue reading his or her books. At the risk of being branded a cliche’ specialist, let me ask my question another way, what was your response when you found out that the noted specialist author of many child psychology books and celebrated funny man Bill Cosby was exposed as an Ogre?
I really don’t care what the person looks like, I go for the words and the meaning behind the piece written.
Glad you don’t judge by a cover. I don’t judge either Carol! I’m with you on this one!
Hello Carol, welcome to the debate and as you can see, many support you. Having said that, as for not judging a book by its cover is outdated since recently no fewer than three million books were judged by their covers – “We’ve all been told many times not to judge a book by its cover but of course, we all do it, and we’re all suckers for a particularly striking, cool, or plain pretty sleeve. But do we all like the same artwork on our books, and do covers really put us off reading something?” And what of that Photoshopped image on the sleeve of a dashing/fetching Author above this post. Read on here: https://ind.pn/2yWCkTm
* The Image above is of celebrated Author and Television Journalist Katie Couric.
A picture of a writer? Really?! If those people took care of their appearances, they would choose to do something else, like to be actors or models. They are writers because they have something to tell, not because they want to show themselves. And I respect that. In fact, I have no idea how most of my favorite writers look like. And I am quite comfortable with that.
I think the appearance of an author should not matter. It is what is inside the book that counts.
Hi, Jenna, thanks for commenting. If you have just read the most incredible adventure novel describing drop-dead gorgeous characters in some exciting, exotic settings, aren’t you just a little bit curious what the writer of such authentic settings looks like?
I think it really doesn’t matter how the author looks like as long as we like their works. We can not judge the book for its cover, right?
Hello Nela13, Thanks for your viewpoint and while I am quite sure there are many folks just like you, who would agree with you, the identity of an author or writer is generally deemed important enough for companies like Virily to require a logo identity of sorts.
Never really think about what the writer looks like. If I like their writing style then that is fine with me. Besides their writing has nothing to do with their looks. To me it’s the writing that matters.
Hi, Sandra, thank you for your contribution. Here you come with a statement that you care only for the contents and not about what the writer looks like and directly, your views are shared by Trenna Sue and even Alibb, below agrees to some extent. I intend watching this page as I believe it is important for writers to collaborate with each other and hopefully we can also take something of value back with us. Regards, Andre’
Just had to mention this. As much as I stand behind the writing content and not the photo once I have done the hard work and will self-publish an e-book of poems I am considering putting a lovely photo of me as a child on the back cover.
And so you should! I’m looking forward to your poetry anthology, MMM!
Hey I am a direct decedent of that screwy man! I don’t ever give what the writer looks like a thought. I imagine glamour shots and lots of make up – just doesn’t seem to matter.
Well, Sue, no offense intended but frankly, I’m not alone when I say that I find some of his stuff screwy. Anyhow, thanks for your valued input. This is what I wanted to back from my article readership. Have yourself a fabulous weekend.
I always think a piece of work should be judge by its content and creativity …but not really its creator… But it does plays a part.
Like some viewers boycott a movie because of its cast.
Hi Alibb. Those are my views exactly, and it is for this reason I wrote the piece. Thanks for your comment. Have a great weekend.
I would like to think that a work of art – whatever art form we are talking about – could stand on its own independently of who created it, although that might be different if it was intensely personal and more information about the author – such as appearance – was important for a better understanding of the work in question.
Hello Indexer, nice of you to drop in. Thank you for your refreshing perspective on what is assuredly an ageless literary enigma.
Any work of art seeks to establish a relationship with the person who views/hears/reads it. However, the relationship can be either with the work of art itself or the person who has created it – and the nature of the piece in question determines the extent to which each alternative applies. In cases where a relationship is established between people it is usual for the parties to know what each other look like – this adds to the general picture, with the work of art being merely one element of the link. However, this is almost always a one-way link – the author usually knows very little about his/her readers!
Once again, thank you, Indexer, for sharing your thoughts and turning this post into a very worthwhile collaboration.