<a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="http://www.thezoozoom.com/bizarre/35-rarest-animals-in-the-world" target="_blank">http://www.thezoozoom.com/bizarre/35-rarest-animals-in-the-world</a>
I have always been fascinated by hawks and eagles, probably because they have been prominent where I live so I have been able to enjoy many birds of prey. I don’t think I paid much attention to the smaller birds that we have here. It was probably about six months ago when my husband asked how many pictures of birds had CarolDM taken. I, of course, was clueless. He took few hours and tried to go through virily and count them. I think he truly enjoyed it. He added a bird bath to the back yard. However, magpies just don’t like to share space with other birds.
The bird that is pictured is listed on the critically endangered list. The estimate is there are less than 1000 living in the wild. The name of the bird is Araripe manakin.
I truly appreciate the new and different perspectives and observations I find here.
So cute Bird thanks for share
The other day I was out on my walk and saw a beautiful butterfly. CarolDM’s wonderful butterfly pictures made me stop and, I was actually talking on my phone so I couldn’t take a picture but I wanted to.
She is a great influence for all of us. Birds, BUtterflies, Eyore, and flowers (oh and anything blue!)
That is so true. You know her well.
you are also a great influence on me as well. I realized it is important to stand up for those around you, that is an example straight from your writing!
Lovely tiny bird , so cute
It is quite colorful I believe.
As I sit and write at my PC I see woodpeckers and some other birds sitting on the cable wires but they’re too far away to see what they are. Occasionally I get a lovely bird chorus. I loved the birds that I had in my garden in Latvia. There were various kinds of birds in spring and summer that always sang in our apple trees and these amazing large crows that were with us all year long and sat on our fence cawing for breakfast every morning.
I had a huge issue with a woodpecker! Right outside my window it kept pecking on the metal meter box. Nearly drove me crazy.
I am fascinated by birds, any kind as long as they fly nearby.
So you prefer them to be close by you?
Wow! Lovely little bird, sorry to hear they are endangered…
It is sad. However, they are doing their best to help them come back.
How cool that someone actually wants to count my birds! I have many that I have not even posted. This is a beauty. Would love to visit the birds of the rain forest.
Yes, he keeps a running total. I am not sure it is accurate and he enjoys doing it so it’s all good.
This is such a beautiful bird you have here.
I liked it. It seems brighter than most that I see.
If you have lots of birds of prey near you, there must also be plenty of prey! Birds of prey do not only take smaller birds, of course, but many do.
They mostly get rabbits and mice here. I watch it every day.
Such a beautiful and unique bird.
I thought it was interesting. I had never heard of it.