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My new fish!

I wonder if this is how new addictions start.

You start with a few fish in a 10 gallon tank. Then upgrade to the 20 gallon and add more fish. lol What’s next?

Here are my original 4 Glofish, The green, blue, red, and orange. Then I added one more blue and a pink.

New tank one Dalamation Molly, a white Molly and one Male Betta.

Shooting pictures into a tank is not easy…

Here is the new betta. He is blue and green with red bottom fins.


The whole tank. Everyone seems to be happy.

The Dalmatian Molly. Is the spotted one. His white is almost a blue silver color.

You can just barely see the little White Molly.

This is my first fish tank. I have found I really love fish tanks.


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


  1. I love aquariums and these are really beautiful! Unfortunately, Carol is right, it’s too much work, but I am sure it’s worth it.

    • With the tetras, if you only have tetras, the tank stays clear and clean for a month, I do a partial change every week. I just take a few gallons out and add a few fresh in. Then once a month I move all the fish into a smaller 2 gallon tank and clean the big one. You know I would like a salt water one, but the too much work has me spooked.

    • I had a few gold fish I won from carnivals when I was a kid, and havent ever tried since then,,until now… I am so glad I tried again. The new filters these days, and this kind of fish are super easy to care for.

    • Thank you Branka, I was trying to make it look like Pensacola Florida with the white beaches. The little shells were all gathered from there.