It is funny sometimes; The internet has so much data, so much information of varying depths. You can find virtually anything on the internet. I find that sorting that information can take time and effort. Sometimes the effort pays off. Sometimes it does not pay off. It is the simple reality of the modern world. We have the world at our fingertips, but if you don’t’ know where it is stored, you may not find it! The issue today is the reality of search on this site and others. First, just for kicks and giggles, pop out to google and search your name here and the world virily in the search engine what you will find it most likely your most recent posts or shares here on the site.
The question I was asked had to do with is there an easy way to find old posts. There is a way, within reason, but it is a manual process. You go to the user’s profile, go to more, and select the posts options. Then simply click the highest number shown in the posts display tab. That will take you to the original or firest posts of that user. It isn’t the easiest way to get to the oldest posts, but it works. It doesn’t answer the question I was asked. I thought about some other options. I have a backup of my blogs that sits on WordPress. I tried searching for posts and found a few, but the best way to do that via Google, Bing, or Yahoo was to know the title or name of the post.
I honestly chased this for a couple of hours and gave up. There are limited ways to get around the issue of finding older posts by a user. I suspect if I searched, I would look for most commented posts by authors, most viewed posts by authors. Those are things that interest me. They are not things that I can usually find. I would need access to a lot more data from the admin team to do that. The other side is dull, and I enjoyed this article by an author, can I find more in that series or like that one? In theory, using the categories, we should be able to see specific posts, but it isn’t easy. There are three critical views on the main page of the site and two side views (most commented and then in the top menu Trending).
Overall if you want to find a specific post shared 45 days ago, it isn’t as easy as it could be.
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
have you ever tried to find a specific post by an author?
Question of
HYave you ever tried saerching your name plus the world virily on a search engine?
Question of
Do you ever find yourself chasing something and realize, it can’t be found?
It is quite difficult especially if a person has over 1,000 posts unless one knows the topic and maybe when the post was published.
I find it difficult accessing past posts of authors e.g.those that were published the previous week. They’re not displayed. Instead, those that were published in the past are shown.
yeah you have to go to more posts in order to see the full ist of posts.
I have wasted hours and hours looking for things. Sometimes I think I mash posts together in my head that don’t exist that way in real life! I am going crazy – it’s official.
i feel the same way often. i get confused sometimes and realize i had posted something very similar a year beofre.
Yes (4 votes) – 100%
Yes (4 votes) – 100%
Yes (4 votes) – 80%
No (1 votes) – 20%
Yep. Knowing the title helps a lot. Poor me sometimes do not use any title then that is a difficult process. In the olden days, FB allows a person to search his or her own timeline by date. For some reason, FB removed that helpful feature.
FB has more than 12 million pictures uploaded every day, their willingness to cache the searching functions went away.
you will find that I am sure in a future facebook premium feature!
There has to be a better way. Hubpages does a good job of sorting by author, but when you get to 1000 or more posts it becomes tedious anywhere.
A search on google using, “the Dunce” Virily, interestingly came up with this article by another author here:
“What happens when the Bright meets the Dunce
by jaylar
3 years ago”
I got so interested that I went over to the article to read it.
Could I, The Dunce, get more brighter, by reading that post???
A dunce never gets brighter, unfortunately, unless he is sitting under a light.
I loved your photo, by the way, and had fun trying to find the birds in there.
I thought I saw at least 3, in the tree, but what else did I see, only a whoopee.
A search on your name, “Andersen” was interesting too.
It came up with this article:
Hans Christian Andersen
by Snezana Milikic Nikolić
about a year ago.
maybe a close relative of yours, I am sure.
Actually he is Danish, and my family comes from Denmark, but our family name was not Andersen. we were given that on Ellis Island when we arrived in the US.
They used to do that a lot, change people’s names. I do not really like the idea much, but I suppose we didn’t really select our original names either.
oh yeah many have Smith or Jone sin the US (or in Australia and other places where people were sent.
there were at least 3 in the picture! I used to sit on our deck in the early am with coffee and try to find Cardinals and Blue Herons. It became a form of meditation for me.
the question of course is to learn and to learn takes revelation sometimes.
it is interesting I wish the search function was better but sadly it is that way for virtually any type of content.
I have a podcast that is 10, 11 years old. Honestly i couldn’t find specific types of podcasts if i had to.
If I have ever searched for old posts I just sort of hit or miss. I mean there have been times I could not even find a few of my own posts. I discovered that when I deleted some posts from another site because they were just gathering dust that I could not find them on that site. Then I found one and I copied the text into search engine reports figuring that when the text showed up plagiarized of course my own writing I could go into the site and see where that post was and also find the others. Do you know what happened? The plagiarism checker said the text was all genuine and there was no such text online. So who knows where those posts got lost along the way.
that actually was the question that spawned this discussion – finding old posts. The Dunce and I talked about it quite a bit.
The reality is searching isn’t great even the bigger search engines. i had 900 or so posts on Niume that were all lost. well many of them were lost. made me very sad.
For reasons such as losing posts, I have all the posts I do post saved on Word in folders on my PC. I think there are some Niumi posts I have not yet revamped and they are in a folder called Niumi.
When Niume died i had 1400 posts and they were unable to do the export. So i lost all but my wander and technical posts (those i always backup).
i do the same now, backing up every post on my computer!
Very interesting post. I have tried several times to find older posts but I failed.
you do well with the sharing is caring sharing older posts, but actually finding that one specific post from an author is impossible.
I would love to say
Vidocka, posts more than 400 views. and have the site return all of your posts with that many or more views.
Nice wishes but I doubt I will get to that nice number any time soon.
you have a few older posts at that level. I would love to find all of your over 400 views so that I could share them.
I think if we can share posts that have high views it might help.
but finding them is nearly impossible!
Thank you very much for your effort. In the beginning, I really had a few posts with a lot of views. I find them by accident.
some of your earliest posts have many views now.
You are right. I was surprised to notice this. The situation has really changed a lot.
i was routinely going back and sharing older posts of a lot of different authors i should start doing that again.
If you remember a key word from the post, then it sort of makes it easier to find. The search has extra steps just like creating a poll.
it does and what if you want to find a post mentioned by another author? it isn’t easy and I felt bad answering the question with no, there really isn’t a good way to search
I find myself going in circles often in life. But I have better luck finding posts from other authors it seems than trying to figure out life’s issues. 🙂
The Dunce asked, and i felt bad because my only answer was, well you can always try searching by name. or you can go browse old posts.
Many things need improvement on here. But we work with what we have.
we have to do what we can do!