Have you ever drawn the short straw?One of the things we used to do when I was part of an IT group for a company was to draw straws for the unpleasant jobs. There were specific jobs that no matter what, nobody wanted to do. One of them was cleaning the dust that gathered in the computer room, why was that a hated job? Mostly because no matter what you did, the air system of the studio pulled the dust-up. So, move the dust; it fills the air around you because the vent was overhead. So we would have five straws in a drawer, four were lengthy and one was short. If you were the poor person that had to do the job the last time, you got to be the one holding the straws for the rest to choose. We had five team members, and if you were out that day, well, those who out often drew the short straw.
I am thrilled to see authors we haven’t seen in a while back on the site. Sadly I found out that a couple of them have posted in the pending moderation category. We are now at 17 days for some submitted and not-moderated posts. Please send a message again today, asking the admins to moderate the posts. They have been radio silent for a long time, and 17 days is too long. Especially since just three weeks ago, we were on a 14-day streak of un-moderated posts. My heart goes out to all the folks that have jobs pending. I am sorry that you have to wait again. This morning I shared a link to one of the original sharing the works of other poets, and I also shared another author’s post in the Just for Sun sharing is caring.
I have several things to review, and I did promise a more in-depth review of the morrow. Those are all coming, right now I am working on the report for the person water proposed system known as Bixby. I was hoping to test it in our neighborhood pool, but the neighborhood decided not to open our pool this year. So I don’t have a place to check it underwater.
I will end with technology reviews are coming, I promise. I am so far behind. What I need to do is just sit down and write my initial thoughts and then test the devices. But sadly, without a pool, it is hard to test the various underwater devices. I mean, you can only look at the ring in your bathtub so many times before you give up!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
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It’s once again unfortunate that the pending has been too long. I will send my concern to them.
the sad thing is authors that have been away for a while, have pending posts now
This is a great concern they should address quickly. Sites thrive on posts
honestly it will kill the site if they are not careful/
The short straw, the dirty work – – – all that provide a person an opportunity to test what he/she is made of. Many things I learned in life I learned from having to deal with short straw and dirty work.
oh yeah sometimes the measure of a person is not what they say and do. it is how they act when they draw the short straw.
Just got to keep on trying. I see the one WTF is consistent with your post.
it is one of 3 people, i honestly couldn’t care less
it is full of sound and fury but it signifies nothing.
Yes, I am at 18 days now, for one article in limbo. It is only you verified writers that are keeping the site going for now.
If not for you, the rest of us would have dropped away altogether, I expect, as I have thought about doing many times, in the last few months.
And yet, maybe COVID has caught up with the Admin, who knows what their real problems are?
I have shot this off a few times, without any replies received.
Hi Virily Admin,
This problem, re unmoderated posts, seems to have reappeared.
Please moderate our posts, or come up with some alternative, so that they are automatically moderated, by some algorithm.
The Dunce, an unverified writer, here on Virily, waiting for my posts to be moderated.
From: The Dunce
Sent: Monday, 20 July 2020 2:00 PM
To: Virily
Subject: Moderation of articles
There seems to be a problem with moderation of our articles. I have four articles sitting in pending.
What is going on with them please?
The Dunce.
Perhaps, I should change my name here, as it looks a bit “what’s the right word”, me writing to them under my name here, “The Dunce”.
If they, the Admin, got off their chairs, and did something, I might change my name to, “The Dance” instead then…lol…as I would be again dancing then here, instead of standing in my corner, idle, as “The Dunce”.
i will tell you that i am committed to fighting for those without a voice right now. THere are many more like me, fighting for those who aren’t being published. They themselves have suffered a similar fate (many of them) last year. We had a 30 day bug where people couldn’t publish at all.
we will not give up.
As long as all of the hitting (the Admin with emails), makes us a few home runs from it, we will all be better off.
i agree we are as they say stronger together
i have sent something similar over and over again. Will again today. Either they are doing the European vacation thing (which is around 5 weeks) or the team lost one or two members and is scrambling.
I really don’t know what admins do. I’m increasingly feeling like they’re doing this on purpose but I don’t know why.
i would say to drive the site out of business but views are picking up. i don’t know why honestly.
Yes to all those questions. It’s a mystery what’s going on. I’ve mailed admin and I’ll mail them again tomorrow.
thanks – this is a serious problem we finally have writers coming back.
I need a refresher on how to contact admins. I used to do it from the menu where it says you can ask questions and get help. That doesn’t work. How do we reach them or him or her?
the only way now is that email address!
I sent an email today. My take on it was let us help you get more revenue and make your work easier. I am willing to do whatever it takes.
that is awesome, i am worried that they keep having long gaps between approvals.
Yes, yes and yes to all of the above! 17 days is embarrassing and ridiculous to wait. More emails sent today! Communication… my favorite word.
i figured that would be a hot button!
Absolutely correct. And my email was sent again today.
thank you I am so glad you did. we have to get this moving!
Yes I agree with you. No response so far.
i am not quitting until they shut the site down or we hear something.
if you hit refresh the option to answer all questions will appear.