I did need to post a clarification for everyone as I got several PM’s and comments yesterday. As of right now, we do not know the rules for becoming a verified user on this site. The first group of authors moved to that level around 3.5 or so years ago. There was a gap of between 12-18 months before there were more verified users. Then another pause and because of the issue many had (they were unable to publish for over a month. I still feel bad for every single person cause in that issue) they made a bunch more people verified. So we do not know for sure why someone moves to become verified. They seem to do so in batches, but there is no consistent process that we can see at this point.
Based on that, this poll is intended merely to gauge what the community thinks about the concept of adding additional verified users. The conversation is a sidebar conversation to the larger conversation (fix the site issues). It is one that has concerned me for a long time. When the site had problems, and people couldn’t publish, views went down. I remember seeing more than 30 emails to the support team about the users unable to post. I was feeling terrible, author after the author was logging in, unable to publish reading my post, and sending me a message. I sent the admin team all the names of the people that couldn’t publish. Then one day, they were all verified users.
That was an example of the site changing because of something wrong with the website. There are also several instances where authors have done things that forced the admins to improve the site. Yesterday I spoke of the debt I feel to other authors on the site. It is a debt that I am alone in having to pay. I don’t expect other people to view the world the way I do. So today is the wrap up final vote for this overall concept. Pick only one of the three options. Vote yes if you think one of the three is the right answer but only pick the second option (this is my favorite) for one of the three. The goal is to send this to the admin team then tomorrow!
Thanks to everyone that commented, read, and shared this post!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
All users should be verified right away but if the admins pull one post you lost verified status.
I like this one the most.
Question of
Users should contribute (at least 30 posts) for 3 months and then become verified…
i like this one the most
Question of
Users should contribute to the site for 6 months before being verified
I like this one the most
They would have to go at least two strikes per year because the admin really do not specify what causes for something to be a strike. If that was the case, then I wouldn’t be verified.
i suspect that two authors would have lost verified status because they had two posts each pulled in less than a month
3 months, 30 posts, is my preferred option. I firmly believe that 30 posts are plenty to judge the quality of someone’s output. Or longer than 3 months if they haven’t done 30 posts in those 3 months.
30 posts would in three months require 10 a month or 2 or so a week. That seems pretty fair. Now with the current 2-week lag (submission to moderation) I suspect that wouldn’t work..
we are back to get a faster moderation turnaround!
In November 2017, with the first wave of verified users, we were told:
“Your job on Virily is to write original, creative and useful articles that everyone would like to share. If you post such articles regularly – the chances to be chosen by our team as a LOYAL VIRILYAN for your trustworthiness are greater.
There are many more factors that are always considered by our staff than submitting articles regularly, including your English language level, your posts rejections and reasons why those posts were rejected. Loyal are those who are following our rules, showing interest and helping us every day to make this platform a better place.”
Source: https://virily.com/other/benefits-loyal-virilyan/
i do believe for the most part they actually have followed that to the letter in the later groups that were verified as well.
(3 that I know of).
I like this one the most. (1 votes) – 100%
Yes (1 votes) – 33%
i like this one the most (2 votes) – 67%
I like this one the most (3 votes) – 100%
I would say at least 3 months. Six months is also good. You don’t want to leave them hanging for too long or they will leave. I’m on that cliff now. Debating.
I think a lot of people hit that cliff, the reality of a site like this is that they need people on the site at least three or four times a week.
So you are right it is a balancing act.
Hopefully I can figure out a routine to be here more. Just so much commotion with my mom.
family comes first always! do what you can do!
Yep, most days no plans at all and just ride it out. The doctor appointment days are days where I don’t get anything “fun” done. And you are right, family comes first!
we do what we can do. Taking care of family is hard. Funny, when we are growing up our parents are invincible. Later they aren’t, but that change can be jarring.
I believe you know my mother has ALZ. What is really strange is how her personality has changed which is common with ALZ but things she never cared about earlier in life she is showing an interest in now. For instance, dogs! Music is another thing that she is at peace with. She was never into any kind of music before.
we lost both my in-laws and my dad to that affliction. the personality changes are incredibly interesting I agree.
Yes, very! Right now we are in a delusional stage. Not good.
well that phase passes, i wish there was a cure. I give money every year to every group that searches for the answer.
It is also worrisome that the disease is hereditary!
yeah it is, my wife is adopted however so for her the fact that her adopted parents passed from the disease isn’t critical.
That is true and she is lucky in that aspect. I’m afraid I’m stuck.
one parent or both? you are stuck if it is both. but not if it is only one parent
My dad had sundowners before he passed. Hopefully, that won’t count!
that i don’t know well past my research. i freaked when my dad got the diagnosis and researched a lot!
It’s getting rough. It doesn’t seem like she has been here for over a year with us, but she has. I am blessed that she overcame the way she was discharged and we did have some good days and times. Those kind of days are very few and far between now.
those moments of clarity are a treasure. My dad had one two weeks before he passed. We talked on the phone for an hour, and really helped me focus on some important things.
I literally talked to him the Sunday before he passed, we were coming out to Indiana later in the summer to see them.
I think 6 months is long enough for an author to show that they can post qualified posts in good English with no mistakes. Looking at this from another point of view perhaps if an author makes continuously bad posts with mistakes then they should have their verified status taken away and given time to improve themselves. One way or another it is of course easier on admin if they can trust verified authors and they don’t have to monitor their posts.
It is an interesting problem overall. I suspect the reality of the site is that any post reported and removed by the admins should count as a strike.
Errors, we all make errors, but things that have to be reported are bad.
Personally i was pushing for one strike your out, but saner heads have said two strikes would be the better way to go.
above 6 months is a good time and the number of posts also can be considered for other criteria.
Thanks – I am sending this to the admin team later today!
When they approve multiple posts in one go some become unnoticed and underrated.
i go by author profile for reading posts so the reality of clump approval doesn’t impact my reading.
but you are right and it is a tough situation I agree
I am for 6 months (I have been waiting for about 3 years). I think they need to “prove” that they are serious members.
we have to have a proper balance I agree. I do like your point that we need to know they are serious users
I do not know. maybe I’m a little too “strict”. Everything I do, I do seriously and I expect that from others as well. I’m like that.
So am I, but I am trying to step back more. One of my team told me that sometimes my expectations were too high.
I am working on that!
I think we get this at birth so it’s very hard to change. I was too precise and sentimental at work (that sp the words of my bosses).
i get that from time to time, i get wound around getting a project done. Sometimes we have to step back!
At least 3 months, maybe 6 now that I think about it a little longer.
I am torn at this point, i wonder if we need to have a much clearer code of conduct type agreement with the admins.
3 months seems ok to me.
Take your best shot is all you can do, and hope for the best.
i know if I am non-specific (like the edit button request) with the admins we will get what they think is best.
It took me a year to become verified. I think 6 months is a good period for a new user to become verified.
fair enough i know for the first blast we were right around 8 months.