Let’s have some fun today with a find the difference game using pictures of the sky!
I have placed two side by side photographs in each question. The picture on the left is the original and the picture on the right is the edit. See if you can find the difference in each of these 10 photographs.
I tried to make this one relatively easy, but you still might need to zoom in or enlarge to see the edited part.
Good luck and remember have fun and have a great Sunday!
Question of
I took something away in this one, what color was it?
Question of
Which part of the photo has the missing object?
The top.
The bottom.
Question of
Where is the edit in this one?
The extreme left.
Almost the middle.
The extreme right.
Question of
This edit is on the top. True or False
Question of
Did I take something away or add it?
You took something away.
You added something.
Question of
Where is this edit at?
On the helicopter
In the water.
Question of
Did I make something bigger or add something?
You made something bigger.
You added something.
Question of
What color is this edit?
Dark blue/grey
Question of
Where is this edit?
In the sky.
In the water.
Question of
Is something bigger or did I add something?
Something is bigger.
Something was added.
9 out of 10, got the #8 wrong. ? Wonderful photos, especially the sunsets! ?
Congratulations Sabrina! Number eight was pretty hard. I took out the lighter pink spot under the dark pink spot. lol Thank you for the compliment, I love sunsets!
I got 6 I am terrible at these.
I know you don’t really like playing these types of games Doc, so thank you so much for trying again. As you can see from the other scores, you actually did very well. 😉
🙂 I saw.
I am trying new things to expand my understanding!
lol, Well, good job then. Understood?
ps and Raven is sitting here and she says her friend Kim has to be supported!
Yay Raven, thank you girl! 😀
Today you are on her good side 🙂
I can still try harder than halfway, dear Kim – 5
You passed Lado! I think congratulations are in order. 🙂 Thanks for playing.
Well I didn’t do very well, only got four right!
Yay Michelle is back as well! Good to see you too missy! Speaking of missy, did little miss get to see her baby? Thanks for playing this game, you almost got half! Yay!
I got 8 right I just sit back and stare at them a moment. It seems to work.
You have figured it out Sandra. I bet you missed the same two Carol did. Were they number 7 and 9? Way to go on this score!
You got 9 out of 10 right!
Perfect. You rock!
Cool idea, Kim!
Ahhh, there you are. I have been thinking a lot about you later in your absence, and no family takes priority. I hope everyone is in good health, and the kitties are doing fine. So good to see you, and you did rock this quiz. Congratulations as you have high score so far. 😀
Excuse the typos like later instead of lately, and no instead of know. I was just excited to finally see you.
Now I have been more diligently visiting here, Ma’am.
Today is Sky Sunday!
You got 6 out of 10 right!
Not so bad
Happy skies Robin. 🙂 You did very well on this, over half correct.
I’ve problem with hand-eye co…
nope, it’s my mouse, it’s getting rebellious :p
lol, you do not! hahaha, yep it was the mouse for sure. Must of been, right?
At times, it was really difficult to find the edits. Work like a pro!
Two of them were super difficult, and thank you. I love doing these!
You got 5 out of 10 right!
You passed Witty! Thank you for playing.
Missed two, love these Kim. Great photos as always.
2 of them were super difficult to find. They were tiny helicopters in two of them that you really had to look for.
Oh I got 6 correct. I’m pleased with that. =)
Great score Queen! You should be pleased! 😀