This photo is a family of wild turkeys behind my fence. This was before the houses were built recently. The dairy farm was still there, behind the field in the background.
Sharing this photo with Alibb’s Alphabet Crazy challenge.
Makes me sad to see houses in place of the animals I used to see from my deck. The cows, buffalo, and these turkeys. Oh well, that is what happens when progress is being made, so they say.
Photo ©CarolDM
Unfortunately, seen them only on TV & Youtube. Very sorry to watch such side of progress.
Yes it is sad to watch indeed.
They sure were plump. I am sorry about the houses. As you know it happened to me as well. Progress they say… I know you are happy that you took so many pictures with that view. I know I am.
What is that green thing on the fence?
You spotted it! Very observant. That is a target for my pellet gun.
Carol, it looks like a bird. Raises glasses…. lol It looks really cool, does it move like the shooting galleries at the fais?
I have a BB gun, I use an old box filled with old dog blankets. And I drew a pig on it, with a curly tail.
You should put it back up. hahahaa Look out neighbors!!
funny I have never seen a turkey wandering around during Thanksgiving week
we get them occasionally in the greenway behind the house. I am sorry they built houses so close to Narnia.
They tore down a farm to put up a bunch of houses to borrow from the Amy Grant song.
Doc, I wish I still saw them but this was taken when the dairy farm was still here. No houses were built then. Grrrr. Now the turkeys are all gone. Hopefully they are safe. This photo was taken a year ago.
i remember when you talked about the new neighbors. I was being silly, sorry if it was confusing!
I miss the cow pictures as well!
No problem, it is just a little disheartening.
I know, I feel bad about that. all of us lose great pictures!
I haven’t seen any in the UK. Do they become tame over time?
No, they remain wild turkeys and live in the woods. Before all the homes were built behind me, they would often roam around the fields.
I have seen this our zoo
Yes they are in zoos as well.
I’ve seen a bunch in Mexico……..
I hope they are stay safe for now.
When I was touring the US I did see a few strolling around.
These are wild and are only in rural areas, sometimes in fields, and the woods. They try to keep a low profile.
So many wild turkeys I sure hope they survive Thanksgiving
I wondered if anyone would say that. I thought of it when I found this photo.
I’ve never seen wild turkeys. Unfortunately, progress also brings a lot of bad things.
They are amazing to see and yes, progress can be difficult.
Great picture, my dear friend …
Thanks, I love these turkeys.
Amazing capture! It’s always nice to see wild animals, but it’s a pity that people stand on their way.
Thank you, it breaks my heart to see the homes.
Great photo here, and I agree with your feeling.
Thanks, I love these turkeys.