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Welcome to the new video game Down vote Mania!

“rainy days and downvotes never get me down.”

An author I respect and a reader that isn’t on this site both asked me yesterday, one in an email and one in a comment, why all the downvotes. I honestly have a guess, but I don’t know for sure. I do know that if my opinion is right or wrong, I still don’t care about the downvotes. Feel free to continue downvoting the only impact that has on me is the number of times I can stop and laugh. Downvoting is a form of civil discourse. I am entirely comfortable if someone doesn’t like what I said or if they don’t like a picture I’ve shared. It is perfectly acceptable to say I don’t like or agree with this and downvote. As I said, the number of downvotes makes me laugh, but the action is understood.

The view curve has flattened a bit more than it had, but we seem overall stable now. That is a perfect sign. During January, we continued downward. We are up a little from that low point. I have spent a lot of time looking at and reviewing information on the internet in the past couple of days as part of a work project. In so doing, I have found something exciting things. One of them is the reality of anger management.  I know that many people struggle with the concept of anger management. We and I include myself in that bucket; all reach a point where we lose our tempers. It is part of life to lose our tempers. All of us at one time or another have done it.

The question isn’t, and the healthy recommendations I’ve read over the past few days is can you put that anger down. Can you walk away from that anger? Mental Health professionals tell us two things: we all operate from a mixed bag. The other thing Mental Health professionals often say is that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results each time. Operating from a mixed bag means that we all have emotional baggage that we carry with us. We have things that make us uncomfortable. That is where we start. Sometimes we can’t put aside the bag of goodies we brought with us, and it forces us to remain in place. Sometimes we can. It is the reality of humans. You see, one of the definitions of human beings losing touch with reality is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But because we operate from a mixed bag, sometimes we do the same things, and the results are different.

We don’t expect to explode or get frustrated, but we do.

Let’s say something beautiful to someone today!

  • Question of

    Down voting is a fine way to disagree! Do you agree with that?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you let go of things?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Is it ok to walk away from conflict?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

16 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. Honestly I don’t think I have noticed a down vote on my post. However, When I joined this site I had trouble with the buttons and I would down vote someone then try to upvote them, and confess my mistake. LOL My clumsiness gets ahead of me at times. Now I am cautious.

    Yes (8 votes) – 89%
    No (1 votes) – 11%
    Yes (5 votes) – 71%
    No (2 votes) – 29%
    Yes (9 votes) – 90%
    No (1 votes) – 10%

  3. I never pay attention to the downvote but IMO if you don’t like something just simply skip the post instead of downvote. Personally for me, if I don’t upvote a post already shown that I’m not that interested, so there’s no point of downvote for me 🙂

  4. Hey, Doc what is with all the downvotes? It seems very strange to me. Is someone just being mean and disagreeable or what? I would like it if you found out for sure and let us all know and then I could start downvoting them. I don’t think this is a very nice way to be at all.

    • well, first of all, I have no way to figure out who it is. I can speculate and many people have speculated as to who is doing this.

      it is probably someone that is very angry. I do agree with you that it isn’t nice to do. But I suspect in the heart of anger it is hard to see a better way.

  5. I have been thinking of the up/downvoting systems on sites a lot. On one hand, it’s understandable that not everyone likes or agrees with everything and this voting system is for people to express their views. On the other hand, it generally creates some unnecessary negativity for both parties. I personally prefer a format where you either “give a like” or move on.

  6. I had to answer no, yes and YES! I do not like the down vote button. I complained about that when the implemented the buttons. At least it doesnt take away points, and honestly I never notice for some reason. That video game is not for me. Temper you say? Red heads do not have bad tempers..promise… 😉 Although I am a pro at walking away from conflict. Hiding from it at times. I can take a lot but there is that point. Raising two boys by myself I do know how to pull out the ole drill sergeant. Good article!

  7. Dear Doc, you always forget that I need a sometimes button. Consistency is not my strong point. I don’t even pay attention to a downvote. Sometimes I love ice cream and sometimes I don’t. (That statement probably only makes sense to me. Oh well, today perhaps I am all about me!)


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