It is hard to believe that almost every Wednesday there is at least one shadow present on Virily. I like shadows and that’s why I tried to keep this challenge running. I will continue as long as I have interesting photos. For today I have a photo taken during the morning walk.
“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” ― Henry David Thoreau
I love the shadow of the dog and off course Maya is great.
What I love about this photo is the size difference between the dog and it’s shadow due to Sun’s position lower in the sky casting longer shadows. The shadow appears to be as large as that of a cow.
O my goodness! A cow is much bigger than this shadow! You made me laugh with tears. Thanks for that!??? I imagine Maya as big as a cow!
I am not a morning person … lol
I do walk a lot more now tho
Cute little Maya!
An early morning walk can be a very refreshing and great way to start the day, so whenever I can I do it too.
we walk in the afternoon/early evening due to work and other events in life. But the daily walk is critical.
Love the picture of Maya – she seems so happy to be walking!
Apart from the fact that we do a little movement, walking can help us relax. Our mind will be clearer and we can plan much easier what we have to do for the rest of the day.
yes I try to walk 16000 steps or more every day.
Wow! 16,000 are many steps! I walk on average 8000 steps.
my goal is 16000 my average is 14800 i don’t always reach my goal!
I didn’t know this challenge, it’s fun to take part in it especially when we have some nice photos about shadows.
I like the dog! It’s so beautiful. Is it yours? I like to have morning walk as well, but nowadays I usually just go for evening walk together with my kids.
It is a challenge that I have initiated even since I signed up for this site. You are invited to participate every Wednesday.
morning walk is key to a human being
The shadow is twice as big as the puppy!
You are right! In the morning the shadows appear bigger!
I do enjoy a nice morning walk
Well, good morning sweet Maya. Taking your mother out for a walk, I see. Good for you. Tell your mommy she is a great photographer but she has such a good looking subject…
Helo, dear friend! Mom will be glad to know that you consider her a good photographer! ?
Great photo the dog looks so mighty in her shadow.
The shadow is twice as large as Maya!?
The one who took that picture is one good photographer.
Thank you! All the photos I post here are taken by me!
Once the weather cools I will be back to my walks. Love Maya enjoying herself here.
Today it was a little cooler in Targoviste. It rained a bit.