Do you ever stop and wonder? Just stop and consider what is going on around you. Not the news, or the virus or anything like that. Just the sound of the world around you. Did you ever stop and listen to the world?> The sound of the furnace fan or air conditioning fan. The sound of birds chirping in the trees or bushes. The sound of a pet ready for their walk. Just stop and listen. I listen to the world sometimes to hear what is around me. The whisper of the wind as it flows around objects in the yard. It, the wind makes a different sound as it pushes past the footing of our deck. Higher in the air, above the level of the floor, the wind makes a different sound. Have you ever heard of it?
I don’t mean the noise machines that were all the rage just a few months ago. White noise makes you sleep better. No, it’s the sounds of nature that make you sleep better. And so on, each of the machine advertising better sleep. The technology of sleep, that designed to help us, to present us with a better way. That is the problem with advertising. I know what your problem is, this fixes it. But the reality of the market and the existence of the user are often different. That always interesting phrase want versus need comes up. We, in this time of isolation, must consider what we need versus what we want. I have read, seen, and heard of people hoarding things, in part because of fear.
But in part, because they intend to capitalize on the misfortune of others. From a perspective of better sleep, the reality is you need what you need to sleep better. I know that for me, I need a more relaxed room. My spouse needs a warmer place. We compromised using technology installing a system called Eight Sleep. Eight sleep let’s two people have completely different temperatures on the same bed. We have not added a white noise or native noise system. If you have, share in the comments what you think of that system. Both my wife and I need or prefer a from the mattress. One of the things that can be hard is if you need different mattress firmness. You can consider the new Sleep System, that allows you to have firm and soft on the two halves of the bed.
Technology should enable and empower, not distract and annoy!
Question of
Do you use a sleep noise generator?
Question of
Do you listen to music as you fall asleep?
Question of
Do you ever have sleep issues?
In the morning I hear the songs of the birds in the park in a more intense tone. When I go to work I see a smile in the clear sky. And in the evening, when I go to bed, I feel a silence that soothes me.
i am glad to hear that! everyone needs to see smiles!
No (8 votes) – 100%
Yes (1 votes) – 14%
No (6 votes) – 86%
Yes (3 votes) – 38%
No (5 votes) – 63%
I am blessed, I just lay my head on the pillow and I am asleep, except when I want to read.
I enjoy the sounds of nature, for me there is nothing to match it, the lone call of a cuckoo or a sunbird makes my day.
I love the feel of the wind against my face, I love riding pillion on bikes just to hear and feel the wind.
that is a very good gift to have been given. i struggle with sleep at times.
If I have a bit of wine before sleep I am out like a light. Even without any wine, I watch something or I read until I feel really sleepy and then I have not problems sleeping.
when I was younger that was me. Now, sadly I do not always sleep well
That Eight Sleep thing is genius. Many couple argue about the temperature more than anything else.
they really thought about how to help people. Sometimes tech rocks!
I’ve always had no problems sleeping … I’m like a gypsy I can fall asleep anywhere at all if I’m tired ….. parter might need a noise generator because she says I’m snoring too much
not sure noise generators drown out snoring.
We would also need this sleeping technology with my partner. It always cold me, it’s always hot for a partner.
it really helps, my wife gets her toasty warm side. I get to have the cold side!
I finally can sleep thank God.
it really is something critical in the end isn’t it?
I had never Issue of sleep , thanks to God
That is a very good thing, congrats!
My sister and her husband had the sleep number bed. It has to be cool and quiet and usually a ceiling fan going year round for me.
my wife is hot and quiet. I am cool and quiet ceiling fan running.
we comprise the eight sleep!
Sounds like you have it worked out.
it really works overall. The eight sleep system really learns what you need.