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The world of digital projectors!

I remembered many years ago; I found a 100 dollar bill in a parking lot. My grandfather and I were walking into a store that we often went to when I was visiting them. I found it. I then handed it to my grandfather. He and I walked into the store and handed the money to the office. The nice lady had us fill out a bit of paperwork, and then she gave me a sucker! My grandfather said, “it matters how you act. That lesson has stuck with me ever since that day. There is no such thing as found money. You are seeing something someone else lost! So turning it in is critical because you don’t know who lost the money. It could be the last 100 dollars that person has to their name.

In these stressful times we live, we have to find ways to help others around us. Sometimes we have to look around see if we can do something! Pass a smile to someone else today! So without further adieu, I am going to dive into one of the three topics mentioned the other day—the expanding reality of projectors. Projectors were traditionally something that companies had. They sat attached to the ceiling and projected onto a screen. Those days are over! Now you can get battery-powered projectors. Apple and Android have integrated paly options in the phone and tablet operating systems. That means you can plug a cable into the projector, connect to your phone and suddenly have a 100-inch phone screen!

The newest of these projectors also include decent speakers. They are small, portable, and have AndroidTV as their operating system. Android is a fully functional version of Android, but one that is optimized for media services. You can have a copy of Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Instant, and many others native to the device. You don’t have to connect your phone. You can simply play a movie, as long as you have internet! Please note the list of features and the options below:

  1. Small enough to be portable
  2. Includes a battery
  3. Includes AndroidTV
  4. Includes a WIFI connection
  5. Supports Apple or Android AutoPlay
  6. Had HDMI input so you can connect tradition video systems
  7. Projets more than 1000 lumens

Those seven simple things are quick checklist items. XGIMI and Anker both make devices that have all 7 of these capabilities. They also include carrying cases, remote controls, and the Anker Capsule also has an accessory store that consists of a portable 42-inch projection screen. These newer projectors fit comfortably on a tripod and can be used in darkness. They are not always as good during the daylight hours.

  • Question of

    Would you buy a small portable projector for your use?

    • Yes
  • Question of

    Will you share in the comments which of the 7 features are important to you?

    • Yes


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. My dad was a big projector fan. We had the old slides. He would love these today. I think the most important features for me would be all of them except the android tv and the last one. Mainly because if I were going to use one, I would use it for hiking so it would have to be small and light.

  2. Your Dad and Grandfather were such amazing role models for you. Life long lessons you learned from both. Thank you for sharing those memories with us.

    I go with #5 Supports Apple Play is important to me.

  3. I guess it would be very useful if you are making many presentations, I used to do that quite a bit a few years ago. It is the portable feature that would make it attractive to me.


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