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The Puzzle of Life

Life is like putting together a series of puzzles in a big puzzle. Each puzzle piece has its own shape and color where each color and various combinations always evoke feelings, thoughts, experiences, lessons, and wisdom as well. At some point, we think that it is a picture of an elephant but it turns out that when another piece is added it becomes like a mosquito and when we are more certain it is a mosquito it turns out like a flower, and so on.

Life is a mysterious puzzle that never seems to be compiled. This mystery can be very fun but can also be very boring. Sometimes it makes us excited, but if we just focus on the intention to win or happen according to our wishes, life can be a lot of frustration. Well, like everything else, living and enjoying life really depends on our tendency to see or feel the moment that is present or we enter from time to time to be grateful or regretted, which basically also depends on our own perspective as well. Maybe it’s good if we are not too easy to make conclusions at certain times or rounds of our lives, especially in all lives that we have not yet completed. However, I’m sure all of you here always enjoy life in the best way, right?

Albert Herdie – Digital painting from the part of The Land of Confusion Series – The Puzzle of Life.

  • Question of

    Hi, are the moments in your life full of beauty?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
    • Rarely
  • Question of

    Long time do not log in here, this happened to me when posting this and trying to save the draft. Did this happen to you too?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Long time do not log in here, this happened to me when posting this and trying to save the draft. Did this happen to you too?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

19 Points


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    • As I recall, the last time I was active here you were busy playing in other places and rarely visit, have you been fully active again here, my friend?

      Well, long time no logging here, apparently there is another problem that is happening, and it seems like the way of giving virils has changed too, is it right?

      • Nope, Albert, still not as active as before, but still didn’t miss this post of yours, so I guess its still OK> :p

        The Virils limits have changed … not sure about the way of giving virils. I guess its still about the same.

    • Hi, John. Glad to see you too…

      Hmmm… Another problem eh… I always save my poll in the save draft first to make sure the part of the question and answer is correct (because usually, the answer doesn’t match what we wrote – as happened in this post too) and then publish.

  1. I am so very happy to see you back safe and sound even if it might be just in passing. Hope you and your family and cats are doing well. Hope all the pieces of your puzzle are sticking and fitting together and stay as such…

    • I am glad to see you and all your friends here too. I, my family and all the cats are also great.
      So far, every puzzle piece gives an exciting game and can still be matched with each other, dear friend. Thank you, and may your days and circumstances are always great too.

  2. My dear friend. Welcome again. I’m glad to see you here among the large family of virily. I hope the puzzle of life for you and your family was as colorful and bright as the picture of your post at the beginning.

  3. Albert, My long last friend!!! There you are. I have thought about you many many times. So happy to see you. More than you can ever know. I trust all is well with you.

    A lot has changed here, many errors we know nothing about.


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