It might just be me, but I am noticing small changes to the site over the last week or so. Anyone else? One of the things I noticed is that polls are working now on occasion without having to do the workaround. Someone also pointed out to me the changing fonts; I hadn’t noticed it, but then I saw it, and I don’t know if that is the power of suggestion or real. The best way to see if it is just me or not is, of course, to ask the community, so please let me know if you are noticing small site changes in the comments.
I did want to let everyone know that sadly posts were not published after Monday/Tuesday of this week. So we are again sitting on a two or three-day non-approved post list. Please send a message to the admin team when you get a chance and askt hem to moderate the posts. As I said in my opening piece, I note, and others have started some small and subtle changes in the site.
Usually, I would ask the community for site changes; it has been nearly a month, but based on the overall impact of approvals taking way to long for the author’s posts, I would like to focus on that for the next few days. I would hope that they have not dropped to approving posts one day per week, Of course, seven days maximum gap is much better than the 14 days and then the 23-day difference we had the last two approval droughts!
Thanks in advance to everyone that sends a note to the admin about the post-approval issue.
I suspect if we keep pushing. Hopefully, they will go back to the old system of roughly take 48 or fewer hours for author post-approval!
Please note down in the comments odd, strange, or small changes that you have seen on the site in the past four to five or more days.
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
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Sad fact it is has been three days again since post approval
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check out today’s sharing is caring post ok?
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might as well look at the last few sharing is caring while you are at it!
Message sent again. I don’t see any change to the displayed font. Do you see it everywhere? If they did change it, it smacks of Nero fiddling while Rome burns…
i haw seen universal changes – i suspect it is more that the admins have bifurcated duties and prioritize code issues over approving posts.
Yes (5 votes) – 100%
Yes (5 votes) – 100%
Yes (5 votes) – 100%
Oh well, same news on this issue. I appreciate the effort you put in trying though 🙏💙
you know i do not quit. i stayed on Niume until the bitter end.
Exactly why it hurts me 😢
i was friends with the creator of Niume, i stayed there for loyalty to his vision. When he passed i knew the site was dead. I think this site can recover still. So i will continue pushing. But no pain for me, so no worries for you!
That is a wonderful Hibiscus flower, you are featuring. I have just started juicing them again, Hibiscus contains high levels of vitamin C along with anti-bacterial properties. These elements combine to provide a strong foundation and boost your immune system in order to protect you from catching the flu or a cold.
i have heard that i have never tried Hibiscus juice.
Unfortunately, I did not notice these changes. I will definitely send a message. I don’t know if I should do it today (the weekend is ahead of us) or wait until Monday.
i have no idea if they check their mail during the week or on the weekend, or even at all now. But it is our only way to support those who are stuck in limbo.
I sent a message, I hope they look at it 😊
fingers crossed i send them one every single day. so far not a peep.
I, too, decided to send every day.
thank you! we will get this turned around (fingers crossed)!
Beautiful bloom Doc. Wow! Love the color.
Yes I have noticed no new posts lately unfortunately.
And I did notice for a day the font change and the polls work at random.
yeah it seems a bit odd, small things happening. not sure there is a good explanation
No communication, for how many years have I been repeating that word!
at least 4 i remember. it really makes me sad now.
My post are approved instantly. I wonder why I have not had any problems. Stay safe and well!
you are a verified user – the non-verified users have to have the admins approve their posts.
Sorry bro I thought it was also happening to verified users. It is a shame!
nope only to the ones not yet verified.
I use both my phone and desktop, and l have noticed no real changes.
The virals seem to be being given more for comments though, and for views, for a wider window now.
Before, the window was not so open l think.
Virils are seemingly given for a longer period of comments now.