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Sky Sunday – Before Covid-19

This photo is old. Measures in Spain and in many countries around the world are strict. We can’t go out for a walk. But beauty will not stop showing in the sky. Some of you may see the sunrise or sunset at home. I do not have this option, so I have to search the archive photos.

© 2020 -Elenka Smilenova All Rights Reserved

  • What are the measures in your country regarding Covid-19?

    • very strict
    • moderately strict
    • without any measures


What do you think?

21 Points

Written by lacho59


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  1. In our country, we have a similar situation as you. Very strict measures have been taken today. All establishments except food shops, pharmacies are closed. Passenger traffic (buses, trains) was stopped, all events were canceled, socializing was prohibited, pubs were closed, etc.

  2. Your post belongs in most commented. I have asked them to remove my test post. I hope it does that quickly, if not I will comment your post back up to it’s correct spot. At least now we know and the test was successful.

      • Oh, because you had the most comments. So you should be in that spot. I was just testing to see if an author just continually commented on their own post if it would still go in the top commenting spot and it does. I think that is an ethical problem for me personally. I don’t want to do something that hurts other members to try and make “myself” look good. So the test proved that I could simply comment on my own post and make it look like mine was the most popular post when I did most of the commenting. I guess I could write a post about the test. Do you think it would be valuable information?

  3. In Israel, the schools are closed, all celebrations or gatherings of more than 10 people banned, some shops are open, but you have to call and make an appointment to go there so there aren’t too many people at one time. Stay 1 meter away from others, wear a mask. I just wrote a new song that I will post when it goes up. Stay safe everyone and we will beat this yet.

      • I really don’t understand why this is happening though. With a 1-3% death rate. What makes this virus worse than say the one that went around last winter and the winter’s before? When most cases report having the sniffles is all. Is there something I am missing?

        • It runs very quietly without feeling. It becomes bronchopulmonary. There are many people who seek medical help when it is too late. I don’t know why it doesn’t respond to bronchopulmonary drugs and they are looking for a new vaccine.

          • Okay, so the fact that it turns into bronchopulmonary and has no way to treat this strain as of yet is why the panic? I just didn’t understand with the death rate at 1 to 3%. So, I will continue not to worry about this. I still don’t fully understand it seems.

  4. Life is stopped … very strict measures and rightly so because the nation is undisciplined …. all the schools are closed, all public transport is stopped, all the shops, hairdressing salons, all shops except food are closed …. in short all standing

  5. India is serious about doing what it can to keep the disease in check. It is the people that do not co-operate A UK National who was quarantined gets into a plane and that meant offloading 270 passengers who are now undergoing tests and have been quarantined.


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