If you are wondering how an ordinary day in Targoviste starts (although I don’t think anyone asks) look at this picture! I woke up early in the morning with the bedroom flooded with a red light si cu un teribil zgomot de pasari. It’s a common thing here. There are a lot of birds in the city and every morning they probably want to greet us just as I want to greet you all! Good morning, day, evening, dear friends from all over the world !! It’s morning here but maybe someone is ready to go to bed!
I wish you a wonderful weekend!
Any plan for this weekend?
Stunning picture. A great way to wake up.
Another breathtaking photo my friend. It is also morning here in my world. What a view you have!
I have to leave for a school time fried home and Its 179 KM from my location
Great picture and my plans are always the same. I am going to work. It’s what I do.
You must also find time for relaxation. You can’t work all the time!
Goodness, that’s a lovely photo. The silhouette of the birds in the sunrise is beautiful. =)
Cannot imagine seeing such bright colours here in the mornings and you clicked those birds in flight – indeed a rare photo.
Here is a common scene every morning when the sky is not covered by clouds.
That’s a beautiful scene! I always like to see when many birds flying together in the sky. I just feel it’s amazing!
I don’t know what rooks are. I just searched online and found that it’s a member of crow family. We always see crows (I don’t know what species they are), sparrows and pigeons here. There are other types of birds too, but I don’t really know their names. I am happy to be able to learn so much from Virily here. 🙂
Here on Virily we all have the opportunity to learn about the flora and fauna of the whole world! We have several birds from the corvids family, jackdaw, rook, magpie. They are in a very large number and unfortunately very noisy birds.
Lovely silhouettes and colours…..
Good morning too. It’s 11am in my part of the world.
No plans for the weekend. It’s a long weekend. Back to work on Tuesday. Monday is a national holiday.
Oh my! I did not notice that in the text I wrote a few words in Romanian! ?? Sorry! I wanted to say “I woke up early in the morning with the bedroom flooded with a red light and a terrible bird noise”.
I forgot to ask you what you meant. Again, I thought you were trying to achieve an artistic effect.
It seems that today I make many mistakes. I wrong the place of this comment !!?
It seems that today I make many mistakes. I wrong the place of this comment !!
On Monday we celebrate Saint Paraskeva.
That’s a great photo. Do you know what sort of birds they are?
As for plans – I’m off to the library soon to do a 3-hour shift behind the counter!
They are rooks (Corvus frugilegus) . Every morning they go to the fields near the town in search of food. In the evening, they return to their nests in Chindia Park.