
Love ItLove It

Ruby Throated ~ Day 198

So far this year I only have one male Ruby throated Hummingbird at my feeder. I feel sure there will be more as the season goes on and the temperatures get even hotter. Ruby throated Hummingbirds are bright emerald on the back and head, with gray-white underparts. Males have a brilliant iridescent red throat that looks dark when it’s not in good light. You can see the bright red throat in my photo I captured just now on my deck feeder. He sits on the perch for lookout as I have talked about before. Very territorial tiny birds.

Ruby throated Hummingbirds fly straight and fast but can stop instantly, hover, and adjust their position up, down, or backwards with incredible control. They often visit hummingbird feeders and tube-shaped flowers and defend these food sources against others. You may also see them plucking tiny insects from the air or from spider webs.


365 Photos Challenge Day 198

  • Do you know what the red bell shaped object is in the photo? If yes, answer in the comments.

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

17 Points

Written by Carol DM


    • Actually it is an ant guard, to keep the ants away from the feeder. They are attracted to the sweet nectar. They usually get all over the feeder and it is a mess to keep clean and keep them away.

        • They haven’t always made them. I remember my Grandmother putting vaseline on the top of her hook for the feeder but they still go to the nectar. It is always something to deal with.

    • Funny Albert. It is an ant guard, to keep the ants away from the feeder. They are attracted to the sweet nectar. My Grandmother always put vaseline around the hook at the very top and they could not get past to the feeder.
