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Relaxing ~ Saturday Critters

Sharing a photo of Brendel relaxing in one of her cat trees. This photo is for Saturday’s Critters challenge. She is one of my critters. Dude is sleeping around here somewhere.

Today I have been worried about friends living near the gulf coast. There is a hurricane Barry that has already started causing flooding in Louisiana and Mississippi. I hope the storm does not take any lives. The area is prone to flooding. 

My friends are in a higher elevation than New Orleans, thankfully. They should be fine. But I will continue checking on them. They are Dustin’s Godparents. Very special people.

Never take anyone or anything for granted in this life.


  • We should always be grateful for those in our lives, correct?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

27 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. I hope your friend is safe and all the other people too. I have never experienced any hurricane, thankfully, here we have not such natural disasters still, but who knows how the world will change, Nice photo.

    • Yes they got a ton of rain but they are ok. But there is more rain to come over the next few days. Lots of flooding. It is not something you want to be close to. Thanks Fortune.

  2. Brendel is trying to tell you to not worry so much as Barry will not hurt anyone!!
    He is just running a little fast but won’t hurt anyone!

  3. Great photo of Brendel. Yes, I’m worried about people in LA and all low-lying areas. Now that Barry is a hurricane, everyone in its path is at risk.
