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of bags (backpacks and rolling) and my sore shoulder!

Being able to pick up and go is a huge part of my job. I often find myself in situations where portability is critical. Its why I have a portable projector and printer. Most people don’t, but because of the nature of my job I do. It lets me evaluate what is critical for me. If I am tiding to the customer in my car, the printer can weigh more. If I am riding on the metro, it has to fit in my rolling bag. I tore up my shoulder with all the flights to Europe and Aisa carrying a heavy backpack. I don’t do that anymore, but the damage is onde. A couple of years ago, I talked about things that I carried that were backpack worthy. I don’t have a backpack currently. Well, I have one, but I don’t use it.

In part, the shoulder pain is my fault. I was always in a hurry and never wore the backpack on both shoulders. I always had it on one shoulder. A lesson learned, sadly far too late. I moved to a rolling bag about five years ago. In that time I have found several very good rolling bags. Currently, my favorite rolling bag comes from Victorinox the same people that make the swiss army knife. Rolling bags are more about the wheels than anything. Yes, in the case of an emergency, my rolling bag does have backpack straps. But counting the time I pushed the backpack straps into their little holder, and the times I’ve used the bag as a backpack, we are still at 1.

I have talked to bag people over the years. I have given the folks at various companies my thoughts on what would make a bag better. There are now bags that include solar power. Bags that include wifi integrated hotspots. Bags that have cameras that let you see behind you and bags with built-in power supplies so that you can charge your devices while using your bag. The problem is you have to use the bag properly and I don’t. my left shoulder hurts every day because of that. Payback is never a good thing. Some of the newer bags are interesting because they are systems. They actually work together. I have a rolling suitcase that has the perfect holder for a backpack. If my shoulder wasn’t bad I would probably use it. Instead, I use two rolling bags. Good thing I don’t travel as much anymore. I cut a wide swath through an airport.

  • Question of

    Do you use a backpack today?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Does your shoulder ever hurt?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

17 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Backpack is not something I have found practical. I had one but discarded after using it once. I was on a bus standing with one hand held catching the rod for support. The ticket collector wanted money. If I had a light weighing sling back I could have handled it with one hand.

    • That is a good example, in the US you normally pay as you get on or before you enter the subway station. But on the subway backpacks are much easier than rolling bags to use.

  2. I used the backpack only in my motorcycle and it was never harder than a Kg pair … only the most essential things
