
Love ItLove It WINWIN

Making writing sites better – being positive!

I was having a great conversation with Lado and Vidocka (well, two talks on two different posts). But I wanted to bring the conversation back up and share some of the thinking that they brought that was excellent. I will start with the conversation Vidoka and I was having around the bad stuff we’ve all been talking about lately. She reminded me that sometimes we need to remember the good. So, honestly, the one huge good is that Virily has continued for more than four years pay authors. Niume made is 22 months. Mylot has paid and not paid many times in its history. It pays now, but it has also stopped payments in the past. Virily pays and continues to do so.

The other conversation was with Lado, and it was interesting. He reminded me that sometimes the tech I talk about doesn’t apply to what he needs. Not, in a mean way, just not something he needs. It is all about complexity. You see, I know Lado could take a motorcycle apart and put it back together again. I could probably make a motorcycle alone,  but after that, that motorcycle would only part. I wouldn’t be able to get it together back. I would suddenly own a lot of motorcycle parts, but no longer would I own a motorcycle. Another positive thing to note, there are many here, including Lado, who can and do grow beautiful flowers, I struggle with that as well.

In the end, it is about what we as people connect to and with. Some grow amazing flowers. Some train their pets to do amazing things. But no matter what, when we have conversations that are open and honest here on the site, we have to chance to do something else. We have a chance to connect with another person.

That is per the original question I was discussing another of the great value propositions of our site. We have a beautiful community of people. There are people from all over the world who have done many beautiful and exciting things. There are stories and pictures to share and revel in. Beyond merely paying us to write, virily supports our community!

His work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)

  • Question of 3

    Have you have a great conversation here on the site with another author?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of 3

    DO you find inspiration in the works of other authors?

    • Yes
  • Question of 3

    Do you find the conversations are sometimes as important as anything?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. One of the things I wanted to mention is that where other writers have the number of views they get, I don’t. I can see how many comments but views are not listed. This means I am not allowed to know how many views an article got so can’t predict my earnings, or lack thereor.

  2. The wheels must be turning again now.

    I had a post from 14 days ago, finally approved today.

    I have three others pending but written after that first one was written.

    It looks like that they are moderating the oldest ones first.

    The amount of earnings earnt, or possible to earn, here has declined over the years, though.

    With Helium, their earnings actually increased over time. They were actually paying authors $1 for each published article on their site at one stage, as a bonus.

    They lasted for around ten years, but when they overspent on redeveloping an already good site, they actually ruined it, and closed around 6 months later.

    Instead of just refining a few tweaks, they set up a whole new platform, that had no legs to it to hold it up for long, unfortunately.

      • Wikinut was great at its beginnings too, but died a long slow death, even though, we can still log in, we can no longer post there.

        The site owners must still be making money from the ads and the views, otherwise, they would close it down completely.

        • They had hundreds of great writers there, and even my articles there (in total, for my 500 or so articles there ) still get 300 to 400 views per day.

          They were smart in their choice of name for the site, so they must still be raking in some dough, and baking their own cakes, but without the writers sharing in the crumbs anymore.

          • actually each of the articles had more than 2 million views, one is now over 8 million.

            It was called “The pizza delivery drone,:

            The site won’t take it down (I asked) so I cannot republish it here or anywhere else.

          • The mylot managers are canny.

            They realise when they are going downhill, and withdraw the payments to keep afloat.

            The site has been around for a long time I think, more than ten, fifteen years.

            One admin manager died a couple of years ago, but luckily for the site, somebody else stepped up to the plate.

            It seems to be honestly run.

  3. Honest conversations makes a community to connect each other in a respectable manner, and learn many things in the process.
    It’s amazing Virily has been actively paying for three years. That is one of the good things of the site.

  4. I have to agree with you. In life it is so very important to keep an open mind. Listening is something some people cannot do without judging. And that is a mistake. Conversing here with friends all over the world has taught me a lot.

  5. I can only thank you for your good opinion of me, dear friend …. here are really some wonderful people who unfortunately are slowly disappearing like me …. I will not completely withdraw but I will post less …. something does not work well …. how long have they not approved any post …. i think it’s been 10 days … really a shame for such a nice site


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