I found these cute lil babies on an island off Terengganu, a state on the East coast of Peninsular Malaysia. These are baby green turtles hatched under the conservation programme by the resort island owners. Once the mother turtles lay their eggs on the island, the carers remove the eggs to safer hatchery grounds on the beach to protect them from natural predators. Once hatched, the babies are kept in a seawater pool until old and big enough to survive on their own in their natural habitat.

Oh i love them turtles! 😉
Hehe… they are very cute! 🙂
Thank you, marcelle
They are so cute!
Hehe, yes! Thank you, Ellie!!
Im so glad they are protecting them. Theyre so cute.
Oh yes, they very close to extinction…
Thanks, Kim!
How adorable!
Yes, they are! 😀 Thank you, Elenka!
Awesome photos
Thank you, txatxy!
That’s wonderful love turtles
Great! I’m glad.. Thank you, Pamela
so cute
Hehe, thanks, vidocka
How cute!
They are! Thanks, Carol!
Awww…so cute!
They are, aren’t they!! I love those big ‘flippers’ (if that’s what they’re called!)
Thank you, BirdHelen
Aww l wonder there chatting about ?
Hahaha.. some baby turtle gossip! 😀
Hehehe ?l was thinking that at first.