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Covid 19 Lockdown level 3

I live in Auckland, New Zealand and we are in lockdown level 3, again…Most countries have had a resurgence of Covid 19 virus. The rest of New Zealand is in lockdown level 2.

Now New Zealand has had low death rates about 22 people and yes, quite a few infections, but a lot of the fact that we had a resurgence, due to returning New Zealanders from overseas that were infected with Covid 19. All of them were put into isolation but some broke the rules, now we have tighter security on isolation and quarantine places..

Because some people did not follow the rules, they spread this virus in New Zealand. 

Now most people with some common sense, know with a virus the most sensible thing to do is to isolate it and in so doing stop the spread of the virus..It is a reasonable request, and vital, as Covid 19 kills people. It may seem hard to go hard and fast with the isolation but it is the wisest course of action in the circumstances.

Take the Black Plague, which was spread by rats and other people. Killed a lot of people and anyone who came into contact with any one infected with Black plague. Covid 19 is a different type of virus, but no less deadly. 

There is nothing new in isolation techniques to slow the virus and infections of today, they did it with other types of diseases in the earlier 20th century, shopping malls and public places were one of the most likely places to catch any disease.

In fact, contrary to a lot of talk about the white man killing off Maoris, or native peoples by war, a lot of them were killed off first by the diseases the white man took with them in the colonisation of places like America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Not all white men from europe were bad, my great great grandmother Mary Berry practiced Irish herbal medicine on the Maoris infected with diseases and healed many at the risk of her own life.

This here, to tell you. New Zealand is not a hell hole, and Covid 19 has not taken away our freedom and there is no secret conspiracy to kill people off and make people slaves..Infact there is nothing new about Covid 19 at all..It is just a disease that with improvement of knowledge and skill will become a thing of the past.

We are no better or less than anyone else on earth, we had to go hard and fast because as a small isolated nation we simply don’t have the resources in our hospitals to deal with a huge outbreak of covid 19 and so isolated ourselves and had checks and balances to see when it is safe to come out of isolation…Because we do it quickly, it will be shortly and quickly over and done with.

Best way to stay healthy stay home and safe and use a mask when going out for supplies…Wash your hands regularly…keep sanitzer handy…Keep a 2 metre distance from any person you don’t know.

Here are some photos..first a young new born duckling for spring.

#1 Evening sunset

We do enjoy some lovely sunsets and sunrises in the morning.

#4 Pukako in the Garden

Pukakos are not a gardeners friend, they destroy plants and eat young lettuces, but I think these birds can be trained to take out weeds. It has picked out kikuyu grass roots for me, and it has a beak much like pliers, so the Pukako can effectively be trained to weed gardens, but most right it off as a pest.

A pukako is also a predator and I notice the cats have not visited our garden. We get about 4 Pukakos visit, plus we had 5 Drakes and sometimes Mrs Duck as well, plus sparrows, White eyes, green finches, starlings, pigeons, turtle doves and mynas...


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Pamela Moresby


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  1. Thank you for sharing the pictures to show us that life there is like others in other places. Everywhere I feel experiences the corona how they experience it. Yes, people that come back to their country after visiting somewhere else should be isolated and they should stay the whole time they are supposed to and not spread the virus to anyone else. Life is very hard and there are people that just do not follow rules and do not care and no matter how you explain what they have to do will do what they want. I enjoyed seeing the picture and good idea to put them in the post.

    • Thanks so much Doc. We should go into reduced restrictions next Monday..Depending on the findings of the health police…

      The Art show went really well, Warwick got a 1st prize for dry art and I got a certificate of merit….

      We have 2 pieces of art each in the Green Gables gallery in Howick which cant reopen until the govt gives the all clear..

    • Thanks so much Carol, occasionally I get burn out but I always come back..hopefully as long as Virily remains a possibility to post.

      Covid 19 will soon be history but it may take a while for the world to get over it..Thanks again!

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