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Categories, is 21 too many?

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What do you think?

23 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


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  1. Yep, I frequently struggle with how to categorise my quizzes. Or should they all be ‘Entertainment’, since quizzes are for entertainment? Your rejig looks about right, but it would require looking through to see how much, and how accurately, each existing category is being used now (which I haven’t done!)

  2. Some valid points. I agree. Another thing that bothers me is that some of the view and share ratings are way out of sync. Some people get thousands of shares but only 20 views. To me, that is ridiculous and also a bit dodgy. If a link is shared 2000 times then presumably a few hundred people, at least, would click on that link, which would take them to the Virily post, in turn, creating views for that post. 1.3k shares also seems to pop up a lot and I don’t believe that is a coincidence. Incidently, why don’t we get paid for shares? I just wonder how real these shares are because, as I alluded to, some people have a few thousand shares and hardly any views, which doesn’t add up at all. I realize that shares count differently and don’t neccessarily equate to views but surely you would get a lot of views from a couple thousand shares?

  3. Even with so many categories, I sometimes have trouble with posts related to education, children or parenting. I think fewer categories with sub categories might be a good idea.

    Does literature come under Arts?

  4. Nice post but. I don’t think you can actually merge architecture and technology. Technology is quite a very broad topic. Technology is involved in almost everything these days.
    Photography- like you I was looking for this category on my first day. Since I did not find it, I looked for the category where my subject belongs to. The way I see it, the subjects in our photos could be categorized in one or more of the existing categories. 🙂
    I agree with you though that some categories should be combined, like For The Home.

    How about putting sub categories, perhaps?

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