
Love ItLove It

The Happiness We Choose.

Everyone wants to be happy. Whatever we want and expect, to have or to be, it all comes down to a state of feeling that is happiness.

Talk about happiness, which type of happiness do you generally try to get it? Which comes from things we can change like getting what we want? This type is the happiness we get because of having family and friends, getting promoted, because we have money and security because it is easy to eat properly. This kind of happiness is easy and fast to pass away because it depends on external reasons that can be taken from us all the time. Besides this happiness also never reaches the ideal peak by remembering that the tendency of the ego who always wants more and more.

Or the second kind of happiness, the opposite kind of happiness, the state of being, and not from something we do or achieve. This happiness is not dependent on our mood or outward circumstances, but true happiness that comes from a permanent relationship that involves a deep awareness of the core of our consciousness. This is our own inner joy that expresses the joy and magic of life at this moment; Which is the essence of the light of ourselves, who is aware of himself. Circumstances free from grand illusion.

Whichever we choose, which we find easier, more fun, more suitable or more general like others, is our own business. If choosing the first type, pursue it for life, in every aspect of life, in its parts and its interrelations. If you choose the second type, awaken your true self. One thing is for sure, you can migrate from the first type to the second type, but instead, you will not be able to migrate or return from the second type to the first type.

Illustration by Albert Herdie  – Digital painting from part of The Land of Confusion Series – The Grand Illusion


What do you think?

22 Points


  1. I think that learning to say “Thanks ” helps, but doesn’t complete all. I think that kindness and love pays in the end although we don’t always see it at once.
    Lovely post, broad subject and quite a few answers may fit

    • That’s what I’m talking about, my friend. In general, people tend to think happiness is a feeling, not the state of being. Both are different, like between source and ripple, unfortunately, we are often only moved to fulfill three of the four dimensions of man with its own needs and consciousness; Physical, mental, emotional/social while forgetting the fourth; Spiritual, which is absolute but “difficult” to recognize.
      Hopefully I do not misunderstand the meaning of your response. Thank you for your deep and critical comments. I love this kind of response.

  2. Happiness comes from inside. I strive for more happiness every day. And we all find it in different forms. Nature makes me happy. But if I am not happy down in my soul nothing will “make” me happy. Sometimes we get in the way of our own happiness. Guilty!

    Great post as always.