Accidentally Vegan Treats
Ishtar Darlington
19 Votes
You are vegan too, like me? Awesome! The only trouble is, I can’t see the list of these treats unfortunately. Is it a link I need to click on? Can’t see anything, doesn’t seem to be loading, which is a shame.
Some I have never seen, some looking tempting, but I am trying to stick to a no packaged food diet. Try being the key word. lol
Some of these are totally new to me …
For me, personally, I eat almost no sugar and over the years very sweet things became unpalatable. Some other things I do not eat due to ridiculous personal corporate boycotts and GMO issues.
This is just personal as I believe in individual responsibility … and I don’t normally advise on other people’s actions but I would encourage everyone to try to cut down on their sugar much as possible.for their health.
(I do believe that the more vegans there are the safer the world is from people in general)-
It is interesting and I hadn’t thought about it. My choice would be Skittles.I lean toward sour fruit candies on occasion. Cheers 🙂
You’re probably better off steering clear of this sweet stuff really, it’s just to give ideas to those who want a treat 🙂