<a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0179927/mediaviewer/rm73473280" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
“Bloody Fairy Tale” is a poem written by our famous poetess Desanka Maksimovic after hearing the details of the horrible crime in Kragujevac, which were carried out by the German occupying forces against the innocent Serb population. The Kragujevac massacre is one of the largest and most monstrous crimes in the Second World War that was committed against civilians in one place and in one day. Workers, peasants, professors and their students were killed together.

<a href="http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=915128629" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Monument to archers and professors “is certainly one of the most famous memorials in Kragujevac. The monument was erected in 1963, at the site where about 300 pupils from Kragujevac gymnasium and other secondary schools were shot, along with professors.The monument is in the form of a Roman number five, because according to the school system at that time, students were fifth grade, high school, and often referred to as “Fifth Three” by the department of the students of the First Male Gymnasium.
what’s written on the monument are telling the teacher * shoot, I’m still holding the time *
A bloody fairy
taleIt was in some peasant countryin the hilly balkan,
She died with martyrdomcompany pupilin one day.
They are the same yearsEveryone was bornthe same day they had their school days,at the same ceremonytogether they were guided,of the same diseases all sick,and all died on the same day.It was in some peasant countryin the hilly balkan,She died with martyrdomcompany pupilin one day.And fifty-five minutesbefore the death penaltyShe was sitting in the student’s benchcompany smalland the same tasks are difficultresolved: how much canpassenger if he goes on foot …and so on.Their thoughts were fullthe same numbersand by the notebooks in the school bagsenselessly lying countlessfive and two.A lot of the same dreamsand the same secretspatriotic and lovesqueezed in the bottom of the pockets.It seemed to everyonethat long,It will be very longRun under the vault of the bluewhile all the tasks in the worldit does not work.It was in some peasant countryin the hilly balkan,She died with martyrdomcompany pupilin the same day.The boy rows the wholethey took their handsand from the school last hourto go to the shooting peacefully,as if death was nothing.Drugova rings the wholeAt the same time they got upto eternal residence.
This song was written about the Nazi crime of shooting gmini and children, of which the youngest was a small Roma, a shoe cleaner from only 11 years old, on October 1, 1941 in Kragujevac
I felt bad to read such a story. It is a part for people to remember.
Thank you for following me. This is the history of my people
We do have a similar situation. But then, it is always a part of our lives.
Yes, the time remains for all of us
It also defines who we are right now.
Very nice, Branka. I just shared this on a couple of my social media pages
Thanks a lot to my dear friend.
Sad, sad story…
“Fairy Tale” used in the poem title just makes it more sarcastic.
sad and true story…….
Thank you for telling their story. The atrocities committed by Nazis must be revealed amd these stories retold until Nazism is swept into the dustbin of history
thank you very much. For never forgetting!
Most fairytales are bloody, but thankfully not this bloody…
This is a true and sad story from World War II
the truth is more awful than fiction
War has touched all of us in some way.
You’re right Carol!!!!!
Such stories are a good reference to the atrocities of war to reflect on, unfortunately in this case people with their all interests are too difficult to learn.
Each war carries victims.This monument is not to be forgotten.
thank you, Georgi!!!!!!
God dear what cruelty. On 20 December 1943
near the village of Yastrebino (west of Omurtag) 18 people, including two old men and six children from 7 to 12 years old. This is about Bulgaria. There was not only you.
war is an ugly thing, it took many victims everywhere. God God for everyone!
Well done! Nice post!
This is a true and sad story from World War II
that Mary, sadly, thank you for the correction, is by chance a mistake..
A terrible crime against innocent people … every time I cry when I go to the museum and see pictures of killing. Just a little correction … the text says on October 1, 1941 … it was on October 21 .. probably an unintentional mistake.