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I took this photograph the other day when I took my son to the park. They had all these pretty flowers planted. There were many different flowers in different colors. You could see them from far away, and that’s what caught my attention.
I’d love to know what you all think of these flowers. I’m not sure what they all are, so I just called them wild flowers.
Hope you enjoy the photo for day 183! I’ll be back to share the next photo as soon as I can!
Hope you all are having a great day!!
Beautiful Flower , I love such natural beauty
i like special garden thank you
You have a special garden with all the flowers, Mommy!
Thank you very much 🙂
You are very much welcome, Mommy
If the wild flowers are again very nice and lovely ..
Beautiful Flower , I love such natural beauty
Oh I would love a field of poppies. These colors are fabulous together!
Thank you, they did look very pretty! I’ll have to share the other photos I took at different angles/spots to show even more.
Really nice flowers…
I don’t know about flowers too and I think wild flower is a nice name :p
I, like Barbara, think that these are poppy.Colors are very nice .. I prefer red poppies.
These look like the poppies I once grew, but I didn’t have them in so many colors. All it takes is a few poppies from the years before that propelled their seeds around to produce a display like this in future years. I had a large area of red poppies one year that came from just a few plants the year before. The seeds must have blown past where the mother plants had been and started a new poppy field.
nice post thank you very much
From this, your cake is made.
They were very pretty, didn’t see any butterflies near these ones….only bees, but I bet butterflies would enjoy them. Thank you for your comment 🙂
Would love to have a post like this in my yard. I know it would attract more butterflies.
Something so special and beautiful about wildflowers.
They were very pretty, didn’t see any butterflies near these ones….only bees, but I bet butterflies would enjoy them. Thank you for your comment ?