
Love ItLove It

365 Photo Challenge – Day29

To live life is to live in duality. Day and night. Laughter and tears. Winter and summer. We would not be able to appreciate one without the other.

Winter is cold but there is beauty in the way it covers everything with that magical and dreamy charm. The whiteness that seems to hide whatever ugliness there is in the world and cloak it with purity.

This is my Day-29 in the 365 Photo Challenge and I featured here the Ice Village in Nami Island, Korea. These ice sculptures were just awesome to behold. And of course that cannot be made possible in an open air in the heat of summer. I just got to love winter for this.

If you like to have fun then join the challenge, read the guidelines here.


What do you think?

16 Points

Written by HarpingByAPixie

Entrepreneur by day; dreamer by sundown


  1. Always look forward to reading your positive messages in your posts. And your photos are so cool. Thank you for sharing the inspiration! Enjoy your day.

    • I cannot remember a holiday that is not wonderful haha but then I am the type of person who can appreciate whatever is in front of me. I don’t go excited over stuff (I guess coz I am a Leo and it takes a lot to make me excited) but I can be happy anywhere and with anyone (as long as the anyone is nice of course and does not mind to be in friendzone haha)

    • Ahhh that I am but no wise one like Aslan. Too, I don’t have some traits attributed to Leo-born peeps. I am selectively outgoing and that depends largely on the level of comfort I have with the person. I like working in the background. And jeez, some of us are capable of being quiet and self-control haha. Hey, I have an early flight back home so I have to say goodnight my friend. Give my love to the missus and the daughters.
