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Joy ~ 365 Photos Challenge #160

This morning my wife and I flew to Jogjakarta at the invitation of a company to become speakers. We were given four hours’ time to talk about the Contemplative Service, one of the materials I had long developed to unite the spirit of work and spiritual awareness.

After last week they sent the results of the meeting and confirm the activities, they also made sure the material I had to convey as I mentioned above. The organizing committee said that the decision was taken after an in-depth discussion involving the essence of the topic and its relation to the company’s existing conditions regarding the management, the vision of the company, its employees, services, and customers.

Today, in a hotel, the event was held. In the event, which I did interactively with several small exercises, the participants were actively involved and paid close attention to this activity. Beyond the methods that compel them to engage, and the title of the material they find intriguing, they are passionate people. At the concluding event where we asked them to make conclusions, feedback, and suggestions, they essentially said that it is very interesting to restore the integrity of their human divisions. The split in question is that often we do not present ourselves fully in every role that we are responsible for, in this context especially the work. Part of us is present in serving customers or users, whether external or internal, some of us are wandering in different places with different affairs.

That is, it is difficult to serve and help proactively, give priority to customers, sincere, and with intimacy if we are not present in full in an activity. Our fingers will be stuck needles when we are not fully present in embroidering, our cooking will be bad if just our hands that are working, we will be hit by swords if we think too much. It’s not about focusing on kicking the ball into the goal, it’s about being a ball that’s floating into a net in a hurdle, and of course, it definitely involves the joy feeling of flying itself.

If you want to join, here is all about 365 Photos Challenge and I am on Day 159.


What do you think?

11 Points


        • Right, Barbara. One of their executives had previously requested a brief training package as an early attempt to get feedback to provide more comprehensive and specific service training in the next stage. He has sent out a series of goals to accomplish in this early stage for me to pack in the package. After I sent the training proposal, they then held several meetings, until the last meeting as the picture they sent. The result is confirmation of the implementation, the audience, the place of execution, and the airplane booking code. Hehe…

  1. Wow you two make a great couple. And yes we all must be completely present in whatever we are doing. I am guilty of being somewhere else in my mind too often, but I am aware and am working on it. Great post and a beautiful hotel.

  2. It is a great achievement to choose you and your wife to take this important lecture. I think many people will invite you to continue your mission.

    • My wife and I are indeed speakers and management consultants. This call is an ordinary job, and the truth is that invitations continue to decline since we never mention fees, either in proposals, presentations or negotiations.