
Love ItLove It

Quantum Dance

That’s the workings of desire and hope.

Entertainment in the spring

suffered in the fall.

If I do not have anything

I will not lose anything

if I never wish

then I’ll never be disappointed

but the teachings of hereditary

has composed humans

to continue playing in the circle

unless I am able to realize

my position in the game

and my level in the university of life

then I can take a stand

and play my own game

although be unusual

in the eyes of most.

Illustration by Albert Herdie  – Digital painting from part of Life of the Cosmos series Quantum Dance.


What do you think?

22 Points


  1. We may or may not be doing a quantum dance with virtual partners, but even if we are we can only know which song is playing or which dance we’re doing… We can’t know both

  2. A dog chases their tail not because the tail reveals something but because it can. In the loop that is humanity, we often struggle with both our place and our mission.

    I love this poem, Albert. It brings so much together!

  3. Learned this in an extension course at Loopy Newt Institute. “I want what I have and have what I want”.
    Unusual? Perhaps, maybe excessively anomalous but, the cage of conformity frightens the sea salt out of me. Remarkable art!

  4. So many words spoke to me Albert… “take a stand and play my own game”. That is what I am doing. Great words as always. And, “be unusual in the yes of most”. That is me!
