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Whales & Dolphins tour -2

These are just photos of some Dolphins. I don’t get to do this everyday, and I noticed that the staff on the boat has a very heavy lens that makes taking their photos easier than this camera. The woman told me, that she went every day on these tours and work out exactly when the dolphin was going to jump out of the water.

Here are some shots of the Dolphins them selves. Dolphins are predators, one of the biggest predators of the Hauraki gulf. A Dolphin with a calf has to feed it every five minutes. We didn’t get to swim with the dolphins because their were some with calves. If the calf plays with you in the water, the mother gets stressed and doesn’t feed her calf.

Dolphins can live up to 50 years in the water, but in captivity they live up to 7 years. They don’t appear for our benefit, they are in the water to feed on fish. They need to eat a lot to live.

I do love the Dolphins as they love to swim by the boat, as it goes slowly, its like a massage for them to follow the boat.

Dolphins have often saved people’s lives in the sea. I don’t know why but they often protect people from sharks by circling swimmers, the swimmers go into shore. Dolphins can kill sharks.

Never saw a whale up close. Waiting for that day.

#1 3 Dolphins under the sea

#2 Another view of the Dolphins which are 3

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#4 Dolphin leaping

#5 Dolphin by the boat

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#7 A dolphins face

These are common dolphins 


What do you think?

20 Points

Written by Pamela Moresby


  1. First the pictures – amazing.
    Second, as kim mentioned, the water is so clear. You can see into the water. Where we search for dolphins – you can only see them when they are on the surface or in the air. 1 foot below the surface and all you see is mud!

    • Our sea around the Auckland harbour is green, because of the plant life that feeds the fish. The dolphins eats the fish that feeds on what grows in the sea. Yes, the water is clear. Thanks for sharing