The concept of Fact Vapor. Let me explain the term; it isn’t mine; it is one that a good friend of mine often uses. Facts are simply statements that have more than one source. A fact is that George Washington was the first president of the United States. A fact is that there are more than eight member nations in the EU. Those are facts. Simply easy and verifiable. I can look them up in multiple source locations. When you speak facts, there is no fact vapor. My friend denies fact vapor as the concept of sharing information that is at best supposition. Supposition represents an estimation, a hypothesis. It may, or may not be wrong. It is an estimate overall, not a fact.
Fact Vapor is launching a supposition into the air and claiming it’s a fact. I know that when someone starts spewing Fact Vapor as fact, I get nervous. The funny about fact vapor that my friend often points out is that it has no substance. It is vapor. I wish they would have a fact vapor screen when politicians speak around the world. (the fact vapor index is at 100% vapor). Anyway, it is a fun term that as I said a dear friend of mine uses frequently.
I have considered his phrase, and we’ve talked about some extensions as well. Fact Fog would be a target rich environment mixing an n8umber of facts that don’t go together. Yes, there are facts, but since they don’t go together the linking is done instead for concussion. Another definition we came up with was the concept of fact arrows. Fact arrows are launched from a bow, with the intent of striking something. They have a fixed fact and from there are launched to as I said strike something.
Finally, we came up with the concept of a fact boulder. Boulders are facts. They do not move. The issue isn’t the fact it is the fact that it is a boulder. The boulder, if places in your path, makes it impossible for you to continue. Fact boulders stop conversations. Now if mix all of these, you start to understand the overall concepts.
Fact Vapor and Fact Fog are used to mislead and to cause people to stop and wonder. Fact boulders are used to stop people from moving forward.
When you combine this concept with the broader concept of communication patterns (positive) and communication anti-patterns (negative), you begin to understand how and why people use the fact vapor, boulder, or fog!
Question of
Are you curious about communication patterns?
Question of
Are you curious about communication Anti-patterns?
Question of
Do you notice communication styles?
I do find saying like “Haters gonna hate” kind of off the wall since Taylor Swift uses that term based on a song.
I have heard used often in sporting events!
The term that drives people crazy from me is the term “Excitement”.
I think all of us are guilty of over using words sometimes!
That is a true statement from my part.
I think this is true not only for US politicians. They are valid for everyone in the world. They have no communication with their people.
I kind of figured this applied globally to politicians. We built the initial model on US ones.
Q: Are you curious about communication patterns?
Yes (9 votes) – 90%
No (1 votes) – 10%
Q: Are you curious about communication Anti-patterns?
Yes (6 votes) – 67%
No (3 votes) – 33%
Q: Do you notice communication styles?
Yes (8 votes) – 80%
No (2 votes) – 20%
Yes, some people stonewall you.
some people put up obstacles
some people give confused messages
Some people talk and actually say nothing..
For this I ask one question, why?
that is a great question.
The only answer I have is I do not know.
You make me realize how much I still don’t know and thank you for that.
Thanks for the compliment. We spent a lot of time trying to explain frustrations with politicians and what they say.
Again, one word that I do not know, my friend … I do not know, or I just understood … it’s about communication
Honestly, it was a way my friend described politicians in the US speaking. He and I refined it over the last 12, 15 years.
But again it was 99% focused on politicans!
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation, dear friend … now I understand
Happy to explain! It is a fun way to consider politicians speaking!
The concept is really excellent, hard but not impossible
Thanks! it was written about politics and politicians many years ago! We’ve played it a lot since then.!
that’s nice to heard from you Doc
Yes I do pay attention to communication, maybe not these terms, but I do pay attention.
these are terms we created trying to explain how politicians and some high-level business people speak.
I think they are completely our terms!
This concept Doc is extraordinary. Complicated, but yet simple if you really think about it.
thank you so much! We’ve tried to make them simpler. We used to have different names for them that just, well were too IT focused!
I don’t know if I pay as much attention as I should. I love these terms though. They are very interesting.
we’ve been playing with them for nearly 10 years now.